Fix Creative Cloud Libraries issue with InDesign

Learn how to troubleshoot and fix the Creative Cloud Libraries files when they revert to original InDesign Libraries.

Before you proceed

  • Back up any affected files before performing this workaround. 
  • These workaround steps involve saving a document to disk. 
  • Any mistake can result in some data loss. Do not save your InDesign file if the changes on screen do not reflect what you want to see!


Follow the steps below to fix the Creative Cloud Libraries issue with InDesign: 

  1. macOS

    1. Using the macOS Finder, click the Go menu, then Go to folder....
    2. Type in ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Creative Cloud Libraries/LIBS  and press Enter.


    1. Navigate to C:\Users\<<user_name>>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Creative Cloud Libraries\LIBS.

    Delete librarylookupfile. This step stops InDesign from linking to any Creative Cloud Libraries.

  2. Open your InDesign document and check if you can see the original canvas.

    For each linked element, a cloud icon appears with a red dot. This red dot indicates that InDesign is unable to resolve the link.

    cloud icons in InDesign documents
    Cloud icons appear for links in the InDesign document.

  3. Option+Click (macOS) / Alt+Click (Windows) the cloud icon to open the Links panel. In the Links panel, right-click the link and select Unlink.

    The cloud icon on the canvas disappears. 

    Unlink the document
    Remove links to Creative Cloud Libraries for your InDesign document links.

  4. Save the document if it appears as expected. 

    Changed text in the document
    Updated text without Creative Cloud Libraries links.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each affected file.
    When you are done, restart your computer to enable remaining Creative Cloud Libraries links to work again.

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