This article has been authored and contributed by Nivedan Kumar, Associate Consultant - Adobe Advertising Cloud
A bulk sheet is a file that contains campaign data in a specific format and can be used to quickly create new or modify existing campaign structure data and ads.

3. Specify the bulk sheet settings: On the Selections tab, enter or select information in the fields.

4. (Optional) On the Filters tab, indicate criteria for specific ads to include in the bulk sheet:Select a parameter (account, campaign, or ad group name or ID; or any element of an ad), select an operator, and then enter the applicable value

5. Click 'Download'
When the task begins, the file is listed on the Bulksheets tab. When the file is created, you will receive an email notification with a link to the file; depending on the amount of data being compiled
Taking example for a Facebook Bulksheet here. Structuring this bulksheet assuming a campaign with one adset and one ad. To simplfy steps , I have broadly classified Bulksheet Columns as below:
Ad set Properties |
P – AA | Post properties |
Ad properties | AB – CW | Carousel Ad properties(Multi product Ad details) |
DD – DH | Tag details (View tag and URL Tag) | |
FM – FV | ID | |
FW – GB | Ad Specs linking in IDs |
To make new campaigns through Bulksheets, name of campaign should be unique for account.
IDs need to be removed from Column FS to FV depending on the creation of Ad, Adset or campaign. Column FP – FR Show status , should be Active or Paused.
Save and post.
Start with a Bulk sheet of already created Ad set with three Ads.
Change the name of Ad sets in column D. IDs need to be removed from Column FT to FV in the creation of Ad, Adset or campaign. Column FP – FR show Status , it should be Active or Paused.

L3 campaign ID with remain As it is , as it denotes the campaign ID. Copy Rows 2-5 in bulksheet to create As many Ad sets or Ads, for this example we are creating two Adsets with three Ads. We will copy and paste row 2-5 just below in the rows 6-9.
Save the bulksheet and Upload. This will create Two new Adsets with three Ads in each for the same campaign.
Changing any of the Ad properties will create a new post in Power editor. First step here would be to remove the Link object ID – Column FO.
Changing Ad properties
- Changing Body Text can be done by changing Column Q- Message ( Column P also contain the same text however can be left as it is)
- Changing Image need Image properties and should be uploaded in the system
- Changing URL – need to edit the URL in column T (Base URL).
- Need to change the URL in same format as present in bulksheet.
- Headline, Display link, Description and Call to Action need to be edited in their respective column W,X,Y and Z.
The method by which destination URLs are generated for the account:
EF Redirects are generated by default for all the builds through Adobe Advertising Cloud Social.
Only agency account managers, Media Optimizer account managers, and administrators can change this value from the default.
View tags and URL tags are generated per Ad in Bulksheet – VT tags are not generated for Custom audience targeting.
Pre-Sync : Instructs Media Optimizer to synchronize its files with the specified campaigns to ensure that all data is the same. This functionality can be used to generate the tags after the build is complete in case of missing tags. We just have to download bulksheet with presync functionality checked and upload it again without changing anything in the bulksheet.
Example where Presync can be used to Generate tracking tags:
Campaign created with placement selected as news feed

Objectives can only be set for new campaigns built through Bulksheets , it cannot be modified once the build is in place.
We need to update Column L – L3 Campaign Objective to change the objective as per requirement and delete all the IDs from column FS to FV as new Campaign,Adsets and Ads will be created.
For all the be below mentioned objective we need to change the following in bulksheet , Column FY- optimization Goal.
L3 Campaign Objective | Optimization Goal | Promoted Object |
WEBSITE_CONVERSIONS | Required | Required |
WEBSITE_CLICKS | Required | NA |
VIDEO_VIEWS | Required | NA |
PAGE_LIKES | Required | NA |

For objective Website conversions we need to assign Pixel in following format and for others this field should be blank {“pixel_id”: “6027919878144”} ( Promoted Object column – GI).
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