Learn how to send a clip in Premiere Pro to After Effects using Dynamic Link, to add a fun face-swap effect to a video, before publishing it directly to YouTube or other social media sites with Media Encoder.


Create a composition from clips in Premiere Pro

To take advantage of compositing tools in After Effects, open rj-face-swap.prproj in Premiere Pro. Next, shift-click to select the two video clips: clip1.mp4 and clip2.mp4. Finally, choose File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Replace with After Effects Composition. After Effects will open and create a new, linked composition.

File > Adobe Dynamic Link > Replace with After Effects Composition is selected to link two video files to a new composition.

Add a face-swap effect in After Effects

To mask the man’s face in clip2 to the body and arm movement of the woman in clip1, RocketJump uses Keylight, the Puppet tool, and rotoscoping to composite the two layers into one and create the face-swap effect.

Play the RocketJump Film School tutorial here (23 min) or watch the tutorial on the RocketJump website.

Once the effect is complete, save the composition.

See the face-swap composition update in Premiere Pro

Dynamic Link immediately replaces your video clips with the linked After Effects composition in Premiere Pro.

To play the completed sequence, you must select the After Effects composition in Premiere Pro and select Render and Replace. Or, you can wait until you export your video with Media Encoder in Step 5, which renders the After Effects composition in the video sequence.

Note: If you didn’t follow the RocketJump tutorial, switch to the RJ-face-swap-final tab in your Premiere Pro file to see the updated file with the imported After Effects composition already in place.

Composition is selected in Premiere Pro, then Render and Replace is selected to play the completed sequence.

You can add other clips, such as the RocketJump Film School animated logo. Choose File > Import and then browse to select the RJFS_LOGO.mp4 file. The file appears in the Project panel.

Drag RJFS_LOGO.mp4 to place the clip on the timeline, to the right of the After Effects composition.

Play the timeline to see the completed video.

RocketJump Film School animated logo is added to the project.

Export the video with Adobe Media Encoder

To export your video directly to your YouTube channel, choose File > Export > Media.

On the Publish tab, scroll down to the YouTube settings and enter your YouTube account information. You can set the Privacy type for your video to Public, Private, or Unlisted.

Click Metadata and enter the author, description, title, and keywords.

Click Queue to load Media Encoder with your project in the Queue. Click the green Start Queue button to output the video and publish it directly to YouTube.

File is exported directly to YouTube channel. Privacy settings updated, Metadata entered, then Queue > Start Queue clicked.

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