Issues with LUTS while working in Premiere Pro

Disabling fx removes the embedded LUT of the red file


When you disable fx, the embedded LUT of the RED file is removed, although it appears to be applied.

When this issue is seen:

  1. Import and create a sequence in Premiere Pro using a RED file.

  2. Apply Lumetri effects to it.

  3. In the Effects panel, disable fx.

  4. Right-click on the source file and select source settings. Notice that the LUT is applied in the dropdown but not visible as applied.

The LUT is removed.


In the source settings, toggle the option “No File” and select embedded LUT to select it.

When RED files with embedded LUTs are imported in AME, LUT is not applied


When a red file with an embedded LUT is directly imported in Adobe Media Encoder, the LUT is not applied unless you toggle the option.

  1. Launch Adobe Media Encoder.

  2. Import a red file with embedded LUT.

The LUT is not applied.


In the source settings, toggle the option “No File” and select embedded LUT to select it.

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