Acrobat Sign for Salesforce: Refresh access tokens

The below instructions walk you through the process of revoking your access tokens between Salesforce and Adobe Sign, and then relinking the integration, creating a new access token in the process.

Steps to relink the integration when Acrobat Sign and Salesforce admins are same

  1. Log in the Salesforce account using your admin credentials and then select Adobe Acobat Sign Admin tab.

  2. Verify that your Salesoforce acount is linked to the same Acrobat Sign account. 

    Else, log out and sign in using the linked user account credentials.

  3. From under Account Settings, select Access Adobe Acrobat Sign Account Management Console.

    It opens the Account  Settings menu in a new tab.

    Refresh access tokens for Acrobat Sign for Salesforce integration.

  4. From the left panel, select Personal Preferences > Access Tokens.

    It lists the access tokens in your Acrobat Sign account. You may have multiple Salesforce organizations linked to your Acrobat Sign account.

    It is strongly recommended that you determine the nature of your deployment and all of the SFDC Orgs that may be impacted before revoking tokens to ensure that other orgs aren't broken unintentionally.

  5. Select the Adobe Sign for Salesforce token.

    It exposes the Revoke action at the top of the token list.

    Refresh access tokens for Acrobat Sign for Salesforce integration.

  6. Select Revoke.

  7. Repeat 7 & 8 for every token identified as Adobe Sign for Salesforce. Once done, close the tab for the Adobe Sign admin menu.

  8. When all Salesforce tokens have been revoked, close the tab for the Adobe Sign admin menu

  9. On the Acrobat Sign for Saleforce Admin tab, select Unlink for the Adobe Account linked user.

  10. Select OK for the warning message that appears.

    The page refreshes to show that there is no account linked.

  11. Select Link an Account.

  12. On the sign-in page that opens, enter your Acrobat Sign account credentials to log in.

  13. Authenticate with your current user ID. 

    It relinks the accounts and creates a new access token. 

Steps to relink the integration when Acrobat Sign and Salesforce admins are different

  1. Salesforce admin and the Acrobat Sign admin must coordinate a time when they can both be available to refresh the access tokens. It will ensure that the service is not disrupted.

  2. Log in to the Adobe Acrobat Sign account using admin credentials.

  3. Navigate to Account > Personal Profile > Access Tokens.

  4. Select the Access token that is tied to Salesforce. This exposes the Revoke action.


    If you find multiple access tokens for Salesforce, you may have multiple Salesforce organizations linked to your Adobe Sign account.

    It is strongly recommended that you determine the nature of your deployment and all of the SFDC Orgs that may be impacted before revoking tokens to ensure that other orgs aren't broken unintentionally.

  5. Select Revoke.

  6. Once the access tokens are revoked, the Salesforce admin must log in to Salesforce, go to Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin tab, and then select Link an Account.

  7. Once the Acrobat Sign log-in page appears, pass the control to Acrobat Sign admin to authenticate using their account credentials. 

  8. Select Allow Access.

    It relinks the Salesforce and Acrobat Sign account and creates a new access token.

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