Understand Transaction Consumption in your Adobe Acrobat Sign Account

This page is intended to help Adobe Acrobat Sign business and enterprise customers understand how Acrobat Sign Transactions are counted and billed against an entitlement. 

How Adobe defines Transactions

Transactions are defined in our Adobe Acrobat Sign PSLT and our Adobe Acrobat Sign Additional Terms (depending on the licensing type you purchase. Consult your contract for explicit details). Basically translated from the legal documents, a transaction occurs each time an electronic document (or collection of related electronic documents) is sent to one or more recipients through Acrobat Sign.

Product use that contributes towards Transaction consumption:


User Action

Request Signatures

Preparing an Agreement and clicking “Send”.

Get signature in person

In the mobile app, preparing an Agreement and clicking “Sign” while executing an in-person signature flow.

Send in Bulk

Clicking “Send” after importing multiple recipients. Acrobat Sign Transactions are equal to the number of Agreements sent. An Agreement is sent to each recipient.


Clicking “Send” after importing multiple recipients. Acrobat Sign Transactions are equal to the number of Agreements sent (like Send in Bulk). GigaSign allows the Agreement to have multiple signers on one Agreement.

Web Form signing

When end-users fill in and submit a Web Form (regardless of verification status settings).

Custom Workflow use

When a custom workflow is used to generate an Agreement.

Fill & Sign tab within the Acrobat Sign Web UI Adding a signature to an agreement after the user uploads a document using the Fill and Sign Tab in the application.

Acrobat and Acrobat Sign each have a feature named Fill & Sign within their respective environments. These are similar but different features with different expectations in the context of transaction consumption.

  • Using the Fill & Sign feature within the Acrobat environment does not consume Acrobat Sign transactions and is not counted on the Acrobat Sign transaction report.
  • Using the Fill & Sign feature within the Acrobat Sign environment will consume a transaction and is reflected in the Acrobat Sign reporting.

Third-Party Integrations & Applications

The use of 3rd party integrations to send Transactions (like Salesforce, Workday, or Microsoft Teams) is counted in Transaction consumption in accordance with the details above. An agreement that is sent for signature is a billable Transaction regardless of whether the agreement was composed via the Acrobat Sign web application, a 3rd party application (like those for Salesforce, Workday, or Microsoft Teams), or a customer-specific application implemented using the Acrobat Sign API. Use of the Acrobat Sign API in a custom implementation and in these 3rd party integrations leverages the Send for Signature function of Acrobat Sign.

Product use that does not count as Transaction consumption against an entitlement:


User Action

Web Form creation

Creating a web form template.

Custom Workflow creation

Creating a workflow template.


Agreements in a Draft status Creating an agreement but saving it as a Draft instead of sending it.
(see alert below)


Uploading an external signed document into the Acrobat Sign ecosystem.

Library Template creation

Creating a template for sending Agreements.

Fill & Sign in Acrobat Standard or Pro offers Using the Fill & Sign tool from within the Acrobat application interface.

There is a known issue where Draft agreements are being counted in the Transaction Consumption Report when they should not be.

Migrating to a billable account from a non-billable account

Accounts that create a transaction under a non-billable account type of service (e.g., developer accounts) and consequently promote that account to a billable type of service (team, enterprise, etc.) will count existing transactions as consumed if the transaction or the transaction status is modified (modifying the files on the transaction, changing the status of the file to hidden, etc.).

Consumption of Authentication Add-on Services:

Note that the use of the authentication add-on services (e.g., Knowledge-Based AuthenticationPhone AuthenticationGovernment ID Authentication), as well as the use of the Notarize integration, are not included in any of the metrics discussed above. Consumption of these services can be viewed in the Send Settings of the Acrobat Sign application.  

Customers that purchase access to cloud signatures through Adobe can view the consumption of those resources on the Digital Signatures page.

Consumption links in the Send Settings menu

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