A quick start guide for customer that want to use Adobe Sign in their Workday environments.
This document provides Workday administrators with the steps required for the customization of Workday Business Processes to include Adobe Sign where obtaining a signature is required. This is a configuration guide and not intended to be a comprehensive training manual for Workday.
To use Adobe Sign within Workday you must possess or develop an understanding of how to create and modify Workday items such as: Business Process Framework, Tenant Set-up and configuration, Reporting and Workday Studio Integration.
Accessing Adobe Sign within Workday
Adobe Sign electronic signature capability is surfaced as ‘Review Document step’ action within the Business Process Framework (BPF) and as a Distribute Documents task.
Review Document Step
Adobe Sign for Workday is exposed via the Review Document step that can be added to any of over 400 Business Processes within Workday. These include “Offer”, “Distribute Documents and Tasks”, and “Propose Compensation” among others.
Review the comprehensive Workday community documentation about the Review Document step here.
There is a 1:1 relationship between Review Document steps and billable transactions with Adobe Sign. You can combine multiple documents within a single Review Document step and they will be presented as a single package for signature. Note: Only a single dynamic document can be referenced within a specific Review Document step.
Define a functional Review Document step:
- Insert a Review Document step
- Specify the Groups (roles) that can act upon the Review Document step.

Configure the Document Review step:
- Specify the eSignature Integration type as eSign by Adobe
- Add rows to the Signature Grid
- The signature grid specifies the serial order in which the document is routed for signature. Each row can contain one or more roles and each row represents a step in the signing process
- Every member of the role within a particular step is notified that a signing event is pending
- Once a single person from the role signs, the row step is completed and the document is moved to the next row step
- When all rows have been signed, the Review Document step is complete
- Specify the document to be signed. If this is an Offer BP, you can use the document from a Generate Document step. Otherwise, choose an existing document or report.
- Repeat step 3 for as many documents as you require

4. (optional) Add a ‘redirect user’ for capturing ‘decline to sign’ actions. When users decline, Workday reroutes the documents to a configured security group for review.
From the related actions menu of a Review Documents step, select Business Process > Maintain Redirect. Then select:
- Send Back: Enables security group members to send a step back to a prior step in the business process. The business process restarts from that step.
- Move to Next Step: Enables security group members to forward a step to the next step in the business process.
- Security Groups: Select security groups to redirect steps in the business process flow. Security groups that display at this prompt are selected in the business process security policy in the Redirect section.
Business Process Step Notes
The Business Process Framework is quite powerful and beyond comprehensive explanation here. However, there are a couple of items to note:
- Every Business Process must have a completion step
- Ideally, it’s at the end of the business process
- Setting a completion step is off of the related actions menu of the search icon
- This is only possible while “viewing” the BP, not while “editing” it
- Every step of the business process is executed sequentially
- You can change the order of a step by changing the order value
- To insert a step between items “c” and “d”, specify a new item as “ca”
Example: Offer
The Offer BP is a subprocess of the Job Application Dynamic BP which needs to be configured to execute the Offer BP. It is triggered when the Job Application state is moved to “Offer” or “Make Offer”.
In this example, a Review Document step is using a Dynamic Document step for both North America and Japan.

This BP does the following:
- The initiator of the BP will be asked to propose compensation for the candidate (step b).
- Use a step condition to test whether the current country is NOT Japan
- If true, execute step “ba” which uses an English language document
- If false, execute step “bb” which uses a Japanese language document
- Step “bc” is the Document Review step
- This is where the signature process is defined
- Step “d” is the decision point to make an offer
- This is the completion step and is required
The Dynamic document being generated in step “ba” is called Offer Letter and contains a single text block named Rapid Offer. You could add multiple text blocks such as header, salutation, compensation, stock, closing, terms, etc. as required.

The Dynamic offer letter below was created in the Workday rich text editor.
Items highlighted in gray are Workday provided objects that reference contextual data.
Items in {{brackets}} are Adobe Text tags.

Within the Review Document step, the dynamic document is referenced from the previous step and defines the sequential signature process via two signing groups.
The behavior illustrated below will route the dynamically generated document first to the hiring Manager, and then to the Candidate.

Example: Distribute Documents
Introduced in Workday 30, the Mass Distribute Documents or Tasks task can be used to send a single document to a large group (<20K) of individual signers. It is limited to a single signature per document. Creation of a distribution is performed by accessing the ‘Create Distribute Documents or Tasks’ action from the search bar.
Example: Send an employee equity choice form to all managers with Global Modern Services. This could be further filtered to individual managers, if desired.
You can also access the View Distribute Documents or Tasks report to track the progress of the distribution.
Example: Reporting
Workday has a rich reporting infrastructure. To look at the details of the Adobe Sign process, inspect the elements of the Review Document Event.
Below is a simple custom report that can be run across all BPs looking for Adobe Sign transactions and their status.

The following report was generated by looking at Offer, Onboarding, and Propose Compensation BPs within an implementation tenant.
You can see:
- The documents out for signature
- The associated BP step
- The next person awaiting signature

Signed Documents
The Workday signature cycle suppresses all email notifications by Adobe Sign. Users are informed of pending actions within their Workday inbox.
Once a document has been completely signed by all Signature Groups, a copy of the signed document is distributed to all members of the Signature Group via email.
This behavior can be suppressed, if desired (contact your Adobe Sign Success Manager or the Adobe Sign Support team).
Within Workday, signed documents are accessed on the full process record.
- Worker documents are found on the Worker Profile
- Candidate documents (offer letters) are found on the Candidate profile
Below shows a signed offer letter for the candidate Chris Foxx.

Workday Support
Workday is the integration owner, and should be your first point of contact for questions about the scope of the integration, feature requests, or problems in day to day function of the integration.
The workday community has several good articles on how to troubleshoot the integration and generate documents:
- Troubleshoot eSignature Integrations
- Review Documents Step
- Dynamic Document Generation
- Offer Document Generation Configuration tips
Adobe Sign Support
Adobe Sign is the integration partner, and should be contacted if the integration is failing to obtain signatures, or if notification of pending signatures fails.
Adobe Sign Customers should contact their Customer Success Manager (CSM) for support. Alternatively, Adobe Technical Support can be reached by phone: 1-866-318-4100, wait for product list then enter: 4 and then 2 (as prompted).
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