"Oh no" cloud error | Accessing Unified Moderation

Unified Moderation

Sometimes, an admin in an account does not understand why the Mod2 user is in the list of users. So, they delete it with the good intention of cleaning up the account. Unfortunately, the actual result is that it breaks Unified Moderation for all users. 

If Unified Moderation doesn't open, steps to check if the Mod2 user is still in place: 

  1. Log in to your company account at social.omniture.com.
  2. Click Adobe Marketing Cloud in the upper left.
  3. Click the star icon to access Admin Tools.
  4. Navigate to Admin Tools > User Management > Users tab.
  5. Make sure that the user with user name = Mod2 exists in the list.

If the Mod2 user was inadvertently deleted, here are the steps to fix the issue on your own: 

  1. Add a user with user name = Mod2. Make sure that the spelling, capitalization, and spacing of the Mod2 user name is the same as it had been originally provisioned. If you are not sure whether the spelling was "Mod2," "Mod 2," "mod2," and so on, then contact Social Support for verification.
  2. In the title field for the Mod2 user, enter the title of "DO NOT DELETE" to avoid other people deleting it in the future.
  3. In the "Access" section for the Mod2 user, add the groups named "Web Service Access" and Administrators.
  4. Save Changes.
  5. Navigate to Social > Moderation > Unified Moderation again to test access.
  6. If users still cannot access Moderation, have them clear their Internet browser cache and try again.
  7. If the problem persists, contact socialsupport@adobe.com, or open a new support incident in Social > Help > Contact Support with details. The Social Support team may need to confirm the proper spelling of the Mod2 user name so it can be readded correctly.