Before You Start

An administrator must configure a template folder in the Configurations Browser and apply proper permissions before a template author can create a template in that folder.

The following points are important to consider before you start:

  • Creating a new template requires collaboration. For this reason the Role is indicated for each task.

  • Depending on how your instance is configured, it might be useful to be aware that AEM now provides two basic types of template. This does not impact how you actually use a template to create a page, but it does impact the type of template you can create and how a page relates to its template.


Creating a new template using the Templates Console and the Template Editor requires collaboration between the following roles:

  • Admin:

    • Creates a new folder for templates requires admin rights.
    • Such tasks can often also be done by a developer
  • Developer:

    • Concentrates on the technical/internal details
    • Needs experience with the development environment.
    • Provides the template author with necessary information.
  • Template Author:

    • This is a specific author who is member of the group template-authors

      • This allocates the required privileges and permissions.
    • Can configure the use of components and other high level details which requires:

      • Some technical knowledge

        • For example, using patterns when defining paths.
      • Technical information from the developer.

Due to the nature of some tasks such as creating a folder, a development environment is needed, and this requires knowledge/experience.

The tasks detailed in this document are listed with the role responsible for carrying them out.

Editable and Static Templates

AEM now offers two basic types of templates:

  • Editable Templates

    • Can be created and edited by template authors using the Template console and editor. The Template console is accessible in the General section of the Tools console.
    • After the new page is created a dynamic connection is maintained between the page and the template. This means that changes to the template structure and/or locked content will be reflected on any pages created with that template. Changes to the unlocked (i.e. initial) content will not be reflected.
    • Use content policies, which you can define these from the template editor, to persist the design properties. Design mode within the page editor is no longer used for editable templates.
  • Static Templates

    • Static templates have been available for several versions of AEM.
    • They are provided by your developers, so they cannot be created or edited by authors.
    • Are copied to create the new page, but no dynamic connection exists after this (though the template name is registered for information).
    • Use Design Mode to persist design properties.
    • Because editing static templates is the exclusive task of a developer, please see the developer document Page Templates - Static for more information.

By definition, the template console and template editor only allow creation and editing of editable templates. Therefore this document focuses exclusively on editable templates.

Using a Template to Create a Page

When using a template to create a new page there is no visible difference and no indication between static and editable templates. For the page author, the process is transparent.

Creating and Managing Templates

When creating a new editable template you:

The Allowed Templates are often pre-defined when your website is initially set up.
Never enter any information that needs to be internationalized into a template.

Creating a Template Folder - Admin

A template folder should be created for your project to hold your project-specific templates. This is an admin task and is described in the document Page Templates - Editable.

Creating a New Template - Template Author

  1. Open the Templates Console (via Tools -> General) then navigate to the required folder.

    In a standard AEM instance the global folder already exists in the template console. This holds default templates and acts as a fallback if no policies and/or template-types are found in the current folder.
    It is recommended best practice to use a template folder created for your project.
  2. Select Create, followed by Create Template to open the wizard.

  3. Pick a Template Type, then select Next.

    Template types are predefined template layouts and can be thought of as templates for a template. These are predefined by developers or the system administrator. More information can be found in the developer document Page Templates - Editable.
  4. Complete the Template Details:

    • Template Name
    • Description
  5. Select Create. A confirmation will be shown, select Open to start editing the template or Done to return to the template console.

    When a new template is created it is marked as Draft in the console, this indicates that it is not yet available to use by page authors.

Defining Template Properties - Template Author

A template can have the following properties:

  • Image

    • Image to be used as a thumbnail of the template to aid selection such as in the Create Page wizard.

      • Can be uploaded
      • Can be generated based on the template content
  • Title

    • A title used for identifying the template such as in the Create Page wizard.
  • Description

    • An optional description to provide more information about the template and its use, which can be seein for example in the Create Page wizard.

To view and/or edit the properties:

  1. In the Templates Console, select the template.
  2. Select View Properties from the toolbar or quick options to open the dialog.
  3. You can now view or edit the template properties.
The status of a template (draft, enabled, or disabled) is indicated in the console.

Template Thumbnail Image

To define the template thumbnail:

  1. Edit the template properties.

  2. Choose if you wish to upload a thumbnail or have it generated from the template content.

    • If you wish to upload a thumbnail, click or tap Upload Image
    • If you wish to generate a thumbnail, click or tap Generate Preview
  3. For both methods a preview of the thumbnail will be displayed.

    If it is not satisfactory, click or tap Clear to upload another image or re-generate the thumbnail.

  4. When you are satisfied with the thumbnail, click or tap Save & Close.

Enabling and Allowing a Template - Template Author

To be able to use a template when creating a page you need to:

Enabling a Template - Template Author

A template can be enabled or disabled to make it available or unavailable in the Create Page wizard.

Once a template is enabled a warning will be displayed when a template author starts to update the template further. This is to inform the user that the template might be referenced, so any changes might affect the pages referencing the template.
  1. In the Templates Console, select the template.
  2. Select Enable or Disable from the toolbar, and again in the confirmation dialog.
  3. You can now use your template when creating a new page, though you will probably want to edit the template according to your requirements.
The status of a template (draft, enabled, or disabled) is indicated in the console.

Allowing a Template - Author

A template can be made available or unavailable for certain page branches.

  1. Open the Page Properties for the root page of the branch where you want the template to be available.

  2. Open the Advanced tab.

  3. Under Template Settings use Add field to specify the path(s) to your template(s).

    The path can be explicit or use patterns. For example:


    The order of the paths is irrelevant, all paths will be scanned and any templates retrieved.

    If the Allowed Templates list is left empty then the tree will be ascended until a value/list is found.
    See Template Availability - the principles for allowed templates remain the same.
  4. Click Save to save the changes to the page properties.

Often the allowed templates are pre-defined for your entire site when it is set up.

Publishing a Template - Template Author

As the template is referenced when a page is rendered, the fully configured template needs to be published so that it is available on the publish environment.

  1. In the Templates Console, select the template.

  2. Select Publish from the toolbar to open the wizard.

  3. Select the Content Policies to be published in tandem.

  4. Select Publish from the toolbar to complete the action.

Editing Templates - Template Authors

When creating or editing a template there are various aspects that you can define. Editing templates is similar to page authoring.

The following aspects of a template can be edited:

  • Structure

    Components added here cannot be moved/removed from resultant pages by the page authors. If you want page authors to be able to add and remove components to resultant pages, then you need to add a paragraph system to the template.

    When components are locked you can add content, which cannot be edited by page authors. You can unlock components to allow you to define Initial Content.

    In structure mode, any components that are the parent of an unlocked component cannot be moved, cut, or deleted.
  • Initial Content

    When a component has been unlocked you can define the initial content that will be copied to the resultant page(s), created from the template. These unlocked components can be edited on the resulting page(s).

    In Initial Content mode as well as on the resultant pages, any unlocked components that have an accessible parent (i.e. components within a layout container) can be deleted.
  • Layout

    Here you can predefine the template layout for the required device formats. Layout mode for template authoring has the same functionality as the Layout mode for page authoring.

  • Page Policies

    Under page policies you can connect predefined page policies to the page. These page policies define the various design configurations.

  • Styles

    The Style System allows a template author to define style classes in the content policy of a component so that a content author is able to select them when editing the component on a page. These styles can be alternative visual variations of a component, making it more flexible.

    See the Style System documentation for more information.

The Mode selector in the toolbar allows you to select and edit the appropriate aspect of the template:


While the Page Policy option on the Page Information menu allows you to select the required page policies:


If an author starts to edit a template that has already been enabled a warning will be displayed. This is to inform the user that the template might be referenced, so any changes might affect the pages referencing the template.

Editing a Template - Structure - Template Author

In Structure mode you define components and content for your template and define policy for the template and its compontnes.

  • Components defined in the template structure cannot be moved on a resulting page nor deleted from any resulting pages.

  • If you want page authors to be able to add and remove components, add a paragraph system to the template.

  • Components can be unlocked and locked again to allow you to define initial content.

  • The design policies for the components and page are defined.


In Structure mode of the template editor:

  • Add components

    There are several mechanisms for adding components to the template:

    • From the Components browser in the side panel.
    • By using the Insert Component option (+ icon) available on the toolbar of components already on the template or the Drag components here box.
    • By dragging an asset (from the Assets browser in the side panel) directly onto the template to generate the appropriate component in situ.

    Once added, each component is marked with:

    • A border
    • A marker to show the component type
    • A marker to show when the component has been unlocked
    When you add an out-of-the-box Title component to the template it will contain the default text structure.
    If you change this, and add your own text, then this updated text will be used when a page is created from the template.
    If you leave the default text (structure) then the title will default to the name of the subsequent page.
    Although not identical, adding components and assets to a template has many similiarities to similar actions when page authoring.
  • Component Actions

    Take actions on the components once they have been added to the template. Each individual instance has a toolbar that allows you to access the available actions, the toolbar is dependent on the component type.


    It can also be dependent on actions taken such as when a policy has been associated with the component, then the design configuration icon becomes available.

  • Edit and Configure

    With these two actions you can add content to your components.

  • Border to indicate Structure

    When working in Structure mode an orange border indicates the component currently selected. A dotted line also indicates the parent component.

    For example, in the screenshot below the Text component is selected, within a Layout Container (responsivegrid).


  • Policy & Properties (General)

    The content (or design) policies define the design properties of a component. For example, the components available or minimum/maximum dimensions. These are applicable to the template (and pages created with the template).

    Create a content policy, or select an existing one, for a component. This allows you to define the design details.

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    The configuration window is divided in two.

    • In the left side of the dialogue under Policy, you have the ability to select an existing policy or select an existing one.
    • In the right side of the dialogue under Properties, you can set the properties specific to the component type.

    The properties available are dependent on the selected component. For example, for a text component the properties define the copy and paste options, formatting options, and paragraph style amongst other options.


    The content (or design) policies define the design properties of a component. For example, the components available or minimum/maximum dimensions. These are applicable to the template (and pages created with the template).

    Under Policy you can select an existing policy to apply to the component via the drop-down.


    A new policy can be added by selecting the add button next to the Select policy dropdown. A new title should then be given in the Policy Title field.


    The selected existing policy in the Select policy dropdown can be copied as a new policy using the copy button next to the dropdown. A new title should then be given in the Policy Title field. By default the copied policy will be titled Copy of X, where X is the title of the copied policy.


    A description of the policy is optional in the Policy Description field.

    In the Other templates also using the selected policy section, you can easily see which other templates use the policy selected in the Select policy dropdown.


    If multiple components of the same type are added as initial content, the same policy applies to all the components. This mirrors the same restriction in Design Mode for static templates.


    Under the Properties heading you can define the settings of the component. The heading has two tabs:

    • Main
    • Features


    On the Main tab, the most important settings of the component are defined.

    For example for an image component the allowed widths can be defined along with enabling lazy loading.

    If a setting allows for multiple configurations, click or tap the Add button to add another configuration.


    To remove a configuration, click or tap the Delete button located to the right of the configuration.

    To remove a configuration, click or tap the** Delete** button.



    The Features tab allows you to enable or disable additional features of the component.

    For example for an image component you can define the cropping proportions, allowed image orientations, and if uploads are allowed.


    Note that in AEM crop ratios are defined as height/width. This differs from the conventional definition of width/height and is done for legacy compatability reasons. The page authoring users will not be aware of any difference provided you define the Name clearly as this is what is displayed in the UI.
    Content policies for components implementing the rich text editor can only be defined for options made available by the RTE through its UI settings.
  • Policy & Properties (Layout Container)

    The policy and properties settings of a layout container are similar to the general usage, but with some differences.

    Configuring a policy is mandatory for container components as it enables you to define components that will be available in the container.

    The configuration window is divided in two, just as in the general usage of the window.


    The content (or design) policies define the design properties of a component. For example, the components available or minimum/maximum dimensions. These are applicable to the template (and pages created with the template).

    Under Policy you can select an existing policy to apply to the component via the drop-down. This functions just as it does in the general usage of the window.


    Under the Properties heading you can choose which components are available for the layout container and define their settings. The heading has three tabs:

    • Allowed Components
    • Default Components
    • Responsive Settings

    Allowed Components

    On the Allowed Components tab, you define which components are available for the layout container.

    • The components are grouped by their component groups, which can be expanded and collapsed.
    • An entire group can be selected, by checking the group name and all can be deselected by unchecking.
    • A minus represents at least one but not all items in a group are selected.
    • A search is available to filter for a component by name.
    • The counts listed to the right of the component group name represent the total number of selected components in those groups regardless of the filter.


    Default Components

    On the Default Components tab, you define which components are automatically associated with given media types so that when an author drags an asset from the asset browser, AEM knows with which component to associate it. Note that only components with drop zones are available for such configuration.

    Click or tap Add Mapping to add an entirely new component and MIME type mapping.

    Select a component in the list and click or tap Add type to add an additional MIME type to an already mapped component. Click the Delete icon to remove a MIME type.


    Responsive Settings

    On the Responsive Settings tab you can configure the number of columns in the resulting grid of the layout container.

  • Unlock/Lock components

    You unlock/lock components to define whether the content is available for change in Initial Content mode.

    When a component has been unlocked:

    • An open padlock indicator is shown in the border.

    • The component toolbar will be adjusted accordingly.

    • Any content already entered will no longer be shown in Structure mode.

      • Already entered content is considered initial content and is only visible in Initial Content mode.
    • The parents of the unlocked component cannot be moved, cut or deleted.


    This includes unlocking container components so that further components can be added, either in Initial Content mode or on resulting pages. If you have already added components/content to the container before unlocking it, then these will no longer be shown when in Structure mode but they will be shown in Initial Content mode. In Structure Mode, only the container component itself will be shown with its list of Allowed Components.


    To save space, the layout container does not grow to accomodate the list of allowed components. Rather the container becomes a scrollable list.

    Components that are configurable are shown with a Policy icon, which can be tapped or clicked to edit the policy and properties of that component.


  • Relationship to Existing Pages

    If the structure is updated after creating pages based on the template, then these pages will reflect the changes to the template. A warning is displayed in the toolbar to remind you of this fact along with confirmation dialogues.


Editing a Template - Initial Content - Author

Initial Content mode is used to defined content that will appear when a page is first created based on the template. The initial content can then be edited by page authors.

Although all content created in Structure mode is visible in Initial Content, only components that have been unlocked can be selected and edited.

Initial Content mode can be thought of edit mode for pages created with that template. Therefore policies are not defined in Initial Content mode but rather in Structure mode.
  • Unlocked components that are available for editing are marked. When selected they have a blue border:


  • Unlocked components have a toolbar allowing you to edit and configure the content:


  • If a container component has been unlocked (in Structure mode) then you can add new components to the container (in Initial Content mode). Components added in Initial Content mode can be moved on or deleted from resulting pages.

    You can add component using either the Drag components here area or the Insert New Component option from the toolbar of the appropriate container.

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  • If the initial content of the template is updated after pages are created based on the template, then these pages will not be affected by changes to the initial content in the template.

Initial content is intended for preparing components and the page layout that serve as a starting point for creating the content. It is not intended to be the actual content that would remain as is. For this reason, initial content can not be translated.

Editing a Template - Layout - Template Author

You can define the template layout for a range of devices. Responsive layout for templates operates as it does for page authoring.

Changes to the layout will be reflected in Initial Content mode, but no change is seen in Structure mode.


Editing a Template - Page Design - Template Author/Developer

The page design including required client-side libraries and page policies are maintained under the Page Design option of the Page Information menu.

To access the Page Design dialog:

  1. From the Template Editor, select Page Information from the toolbar, then Page Design to open the dialog.

  2. The Page Design dialog opens and is divided into two sections:


Page Policies

You can apply a content policy to either the template or resultant pages. This defines the content policy for the main paragraph system on the page.


  • You can select an existing policy for the page from the Select policy drop-down.


    A new policy can be added by selecting the add button next to the Select policy dropdown. A new title should then be given in the Policy Title field.


    The selected existing policy in the Select policy dropdown can be copied as a new policy using the copy button next to the dropdown. A new title should then be given in the Policy Title field. By default the copied policy will be titled Copy of X, where X is the title of the copied policy.


  • Define a title for the policy in the Policy Title field. A policy is required to have a title so that it can be easily selected in the Select policy dropdown.


  • A description of the policy is optional in the Policy Description field.

  • In the Other templates also using the selected policy section, you can easily see which other templates use the policy selected in the Select policy dropdown.


Page Properties

Using page properties, you can define the required client-side libraries by using the Page Design dialog. These client-side libraries include stylesheets and javascript to be loaded with the template and pages created with that template.


  • Specify the client-side libraries you want applied to pages created with this template. Entering the name of a library in the text field in the Client Side Libraries section.


  • If multiple libraries are needed, click the Add button to add an additional text field for the library name.


    Add as many text fields as necessary for your client-side libraries.


  • Define the libraries’ relative position as necessary by dragging the fields using the drag handle.


While the template author can specify the page policy on the template, he or she will need to get details of the appropriate client-side libraries from the developer.

Editing a Template - Initial Page Properties - Author

Using the Initial Page Properties option, you can define the initial page properties to be used when creating resultant pages.

  1. From the template editor, select Page Information from the toolbar, then Initial Page Properties to open the dialog.

  2. In the dialog you can define the properties you want applied to pages created with this template.


  3. Confirm your definitions with Done.

Best Practices

When creating templates you should consider:

  1. The impact of changes to the template once pages have been created from that template.

    Here is a list of the different operations possible on templates together with how they affect the pages created from them:

    • Changes to the structure:

      • These are immediately applied to the resulting pages.
      • Publication of the changed template is still needed for visitors to see the changes.
    • Changes to content policies and design configurations:

      • These apply immediately to the resultant pages.
      • Publication of the changes is needed for visitors to see the changes.
    • Changes to the initial content:

      • These only apply to pages created after the changes to the template.
    • Changes to the layout depend on whether the modified component is part of:

      • Structure-only - applied immediately
      • Contain initial content - only on pages created after the change

    Take special caution when:

    • Locking or unlocking components on enabled templates.

    • This can have side-effects, as existing pages can already be using it. Typically:

      • Unlocking components (that were locked) will be missing on existing pages.
      • Locking components (that were editable) will hide that content from being displayed on the pages.
    AEM gives explicit warnings when changing the lock status of components on templates that are no longer drafts.
  2. Creating your own folders for your site-specific templates.

  3. Publish your templates from the Templates console.

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