Package Manager

Package Manager manages the packages on your AEM installation. After you have assigned the necessary permissions you can use Package Manager for various actions, including configuring, building, downloading, and installing your packages.

Required Permissions

To create, modify, upload, and install packages, users must have the appropriate permissions on the following nodes:

  • Full rights excluding delete on /etc/packages
  • The node that contains the package contents
Granting permissions for packages may lead to sensitive information disclosure and data loss.
To limit these risks, it is highly recommended to grant specific group permissions over dedicated subtrees only.

Accessing Package Manager

You can access Package Manager in three ways:

  1. From the AEM main menu > Tools > Deployment > Packages
  2. From CRXDE Lite using the top switcher bar
  3. Directly by accessing http://<host>:<port>/crx/packmgr/

Package Manager UI

Package Manager is divided into four main functional areas:

  • Left Navigation Panel - This panel lets you filter and sort the list of packages.

  • Package List - This is the list of packages on your instance filtered and sorted per selections in the Left Navigation Panel.

  • Activity Log - This panel is minimized at first and expands to detail the activity of Package Manager such as when a package is built or installed. There are additional buttons in the Activity Log tab to:

    • Clear Log
    • Show/Hide
  • Toolbar - The toolbar contains refresh buttons for the Left Navigation Panel and Package list and buttons for searching, creating, and uploading packages.

Package Manager UI

Clicking an option in the Left Navigation Panel immediately filters the Package List.

Clicking a package name expands the entry in the Package List to show more detail about the package.

Expanded package details

There are number of actions that can be taken on a package via the toolbar buttons available when the package detail is expanded.

Further actions are available beneath the More button.