Audience Manager How to Connect to the AAM CDF Bucket Via Cyberduck
How to Connect to the AAM CDF Bucket Via Cyberduck

The purpose of this guide is to walk through the process of using Cyberduck to connect to the Audience Manager CDF S3 Server.

Before proceeding, please make sure to download the Cybercuck client, as well as ensure that the server has been created by the Audience Manager Engineering teams.

You can download the client at  While the Apple AppStore version does require purchasing the software, downloading directly from the developer website is free (donations are encouraged).


Configuring Cyberduck

To begin, we will start by creating a connection bookmark so that the server details are saved.  To create a new connection bookmark, select the bookmark screen and click on the "+" in the bottom left corner of the screen.


This will bring up the server connection menu:


To configure the server, select the "Amazon S3" option from the dropdown list.  Next, paste the Access Key provided by your Consultant or Customer Care representative into the "Access Key ID" field.  Finally, add the text "/aam-cdf/companysubdomain/" to the "Path" field.  Note: substitute the subdomain of your account in place of the "companysubdomain" text.

Once you have added these values, close the modal window and the connection is almost complete.  The only remaining action is to add the "Secret Key" that you were provided in conjunction with the "Access Key".  You will be prompted to add this key when you first attempt to connect to the server as follows:


Once you have pasted your Secret Key into the "Secret Access Key" field, click on the "Login" button to finalize the configuration and log you into your directory.