Download the EAP 7.1 installer jar file to any location on your computer.
In this page, we discuss the installation of these engines:
- Wildfly
- WebSphere
- Tomcat
In this document, each section starts with installing the application server and then discusses accessing ColdFusion on the server. The sections also list the jvm flags for the engines.
Install EAP
To install EAP, perform the following steps:
Unpack the contents of the jar file. From the command line, enter the command:
java -jar jboss-eap-7.1.0-installer.jar
Choose the installation language and accept the license agreement.
License agreement License agreement To proceed, click Next.
Enter the path where EAP is to be installed.
EAP installation directory EAP installation directory To proceed, click Next.
Select the components to install.
Select component Select component To proceed, click Next.
Create an admin user The admin user can access EAP's administrative console.
Create admin Create admin To proceed, click Next.
Install the components.
Component installation Component installation To proceed, click Next.
Choose the appropriate runtime environment, default or advanced.
For more information, see EAP installation guide.
Configure runtime Configure runtime To proceed, click Next, and follow the on-screen instructions to install EAP.
Access ColdFusion on EAP
Install ColdFusion in JEE and generate a WAR file.
Formore information, see Install JEE configuration.
Explode WAR and rename the folder to <filename>.war
For example, name the file as cfusion.war. This name is also the context, which is required when accessing ColdFusion files. So, the context is cfusion.
Place the folder cfusion.war inside the directory, [EAP Home]\standalone\deployments.
Create a file named cfusion.war.dodeploy in the EAP directory where the cfusion.war folder was placed.
If EAP is already running, it will automatically deploy ColdFusion. If EAP is not already running, restart EAP.
To access the ColdFusion administrator on EAP, enter,
http://{Machine IP or localhost or}:{Port on which EAP is running}/{context}/CFIDE/administrator
Install WildFly
To install WildFly, perform the following steps:
Download the WildFly 13 installer zip file to any location on your computer.
Extract the zip archive to a directory on your computer, for example, c:\wildfly.
A new directory, for example,. C:\wildfly\wildfly-13.0.0.Final, containing the WildFly files will be created.
Use the script <WildFly directory>\bin\standalone.bat to start the WildFly server.
To check if WildFly is running properly, enter localhost:8080 on your browser.
Access ColdFusion on WildFly
Install ColdFusion in JEE and generate a WAR file.
Formore information, see Install JEE configuration.
Explode WAR and rename the folder to <filename>.war
For example, name the file as cfusion.war. This name is also the context, which is required when accessing ColdFusion files. So, the context is cfusion.
Place the folder cfusion.war inside the directory, [WildFly Home]\standalone\deployments.
Create a file named cfusion.war.dodeploy in the WildFly directory where the cfusion.war folder was placed.
If WildFly is already running, it will automatically deploy ColdFusion. If WildFly is not already running, restart WildFly.
To access the ColdFusion administrator on WildFly, enter,
http://{Machine IP or localhost or}:{Port on which WildFly is running}/{context}/CFIDE/administrator
To deploy ColdFusion on WebSphere, perform the following steps:
Launch WebSphere management console.
Management console Management console -
To create an application, click New Application > New Enterprise Application.
Create application Create application -
Upload the ColdFusion WAR file.
Upload WAR Upload WAR -
Installation options Installation options -
Enter the installation options, for example, name of the directory to install the application, name of the application, and so on.
Installation properties Installation properties -
Choose the server or cluster where you want to install the application.
Map virtual host Map virtual host -
Map virtual host to servers.
Map virtual host Map virtual host -
Enter the context root of the application. The default is /.
Context root Context root -
Review the summary and click Finish.
Summary of installation Summary of installation -
Restart the application server.
Depending on installation (Network Deployment), verify the WebSphere installation directory, C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\Profiles\[ProfileName]\installedApps\[cell]\[file_war.ear]\[filename.war]
Access ColdFusion server at https://localhost:[Port number]/[context]/CFIDE/administrator.
Copy the war file in webapps folder of Tomcat.
Start Tomcat. The war auto explodes.
The context name is the name of the war file_war.
Use the default Tomcat port 8080.
Access ColdFusion server at localhost:[Port number]/[context]/CFIDE/administrator.
JVM flags
The following JVM flags need to be set when deploying ColdFusion applications on the JEE servers.
JEE Server |
Flag |
EAP, WildFly, WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat |
Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI |
EAP, WildFly, WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat |
Dcoldfusion.disablejsafe=true |
EAP, WildFly, WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat |
-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true |
EAP, WildFly, WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat |
-Djdk.serialFilter= !org.mozilla.**;!com.sun.syndication.** |