Adobe Connect 9.0.2 Add-in

Release notes for the Connect 9.0.2 Add-in


This article applies to Adobe Connect versions that supports Adobe Connect add-in. Starting Nov 2017, Adobe introduced the new Adobe Connect application for desktop that replaces the old Adobe Connect add-in for Adobe Connect version 9.x and later. If you are on Adobe Connect version 8 or earlier, you can continue to use Adobe Connect add-in.

Starting around mid-January 2013, Adobe will start upgrading Adobe Connect 9 hosted customers to Adobe Connect 9 Update 2 (9.0.2).

This update requires a new Adobe Connect Add-in for functionality specific to meeting hosts and presenters on Windows and Mac OS. You will be asked to install the new Add-in in the following circumstances:

  • You try to start or join 9.0.2 meeting for first time and have older version of the Add-in installed.
  • You start screen sharing, application sharing, or share PowerPoint (PPTX format) files, and don’t have the latest version of the Add-in installed.

The new Add-in fixes the following bugs:

  1. 3084227: Add-in quits when making recording offline
  2. 3303154: Windows Add-in crashes when Add-in instance closed while making recording offline
  3. 3328652: Add-in crashes when user start -> stop --> restart screen share on Windows 7
  4. 3340821: Video out of sync from audio if an FLV file, created by Recording offline feature, is converted to any other format
  5. 3337375: Black dotted stripe/line overlaid on camera feed
  6. 3368170: connectaddin.exe is not digitally signed

The new Add-in is backwards compatible, so you can download and install it before 9.0.2 upgrade. The version of the new Add-in is (Windows) and (Mac OS).


  1. Click here to download Windows Add-in.
  2. Save the file when prompted; by default, it's saved in the Downloads folder.
  3. Open the Downloads folder and open to extract the package (the package name is setup.exe).
  4. Open setup.exe to launch the installer.
  5. Follow the installer prompts to install the Add-In.

Mac OS

Click here to download the Mac Add-in.

  1. Save the file when prompted; by default, it's saved in the Downloads folder.
  2. Open the Downloads folder and open ac_addin_mac_250.z to extract the package (the package name is adobeconnectaddin-installer.pkg).
  3. Open adobeconnectaddin-installer.pkg to launch the installer.
  4. Follow the installer prompts to install the Add-In.

If you have any questions, contact Adobe using your normal support channels or visit the support page.

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