Install error 1327: "Invalid Drive" | CS5, CS4, Acrobat, Reader | Windows


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Issue: Error 1327 when installing or updating a CS4 or CS5 product, Acrobat, or Reader on Windows

When you install or update a CS4 or CS5 product, Acrobat, or Adobe Reader on Windows, you receive the following error:

  • Error 1327.Invalid Drive: [drive letter].


Solution 1: Temporarily remap the invalid drive.

  1. Determine the letter of the invalid drive that is causing the installation failure. For CS4 or CS5 installations, the drive letter appears in the install log following the error 1327 code. For Acrobat or Adobe Reader installations, the drive letter appears in the error window.
  1. Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and choose Run as Administrator.

  2. Type subst Z: "C:\Windows" and press Enter.

Note: The example above shows the letter Z as the drive letter. When you type, replace the Z with the letter of the invalid drive from your install error or log.

  1. Reinstall your Adobe product.

Solution 2: Run the Fix It solution on the Microsoft support website.

  1. Go to the Microsoft support page

  2. Scroll down to the Resolution section, and follow steps 1 through 7.

  3. Reinstall your Adobe product.




Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX

10 月 14 至 16 日邁阿密海灘和線上

Adobe MAX


10 月 14 至 16 日邁阿密海灘和線上

Adobe MAX 2024

Adobe MAX

10 月 14 至 16 日邁阿密海灘和線上

Adobe MAX


10 月 14 至 16 日邁阿密海灘和線上