- Get started with photography and video
Get started with Lightroom on a mobile device
Retouch photos on the go with Photoshop Fix
- Get started with illustration and web design
使用 Photoshop Sketch 隨手塗鴉
Create comps on the go
- Design techniques
隨時隨地擷取用於 Photoshop 的圖樣
擷取 Photoshop 所需的形狀
Capture brushes, shapes, colors, and more on the go
- Share photos and files
Share photos from Lightroom on a mobile device
- Retouch photos
Swap a logo with your own using Photoshop Fix and Photoshop
- Take and edit photographs
Discover the possibilities for enhancing your photos
Edit photos in Lightroom on a mobile device
Create a photo to remember with Photoshop Mix and Photoshop Lightroom
- Illustration
From sketch to Marvel comic book
Draw vector art on the go
Draw on the go, refine in Illustrator
Use Kyle T. Webster’s brushes in your designs today
- Graphic design
Create a layout and edit assets seamlessly
- Animation and video
Turn a sketch into an animation
Get a great look for your video
- Graphic design techniques
Use a captured brush to create billboard artwork
- Photography
Combine photos on the go with Photoshop Mix
- Web design
Create app and web layouts fast
- Creative Cloud mobile ecosystem
Edit your first photos
Import your photos
Sharpen details in a photo
擷取 Photoshop 所需的形狀