Access your OneDrive files from Acrobat online

You can easily store and access files from your OneDrive storage account when you’re working in Acrobat online. You can perform various tasks on the files and save the modified files back to your OneDrive account:  

  • Browse and view PDF and non-PDF files in the Acrobat online viewer.
  • Rename, delete, download, and move files within OneDrive.
  • Use Acrobat online tools on the files to perform actions like:
    • Export PDF 
    • Create PDF 
    • Organize PDF 
    • Split PDF 
    • Protect PDF 
    • Edit PDF
    • Combine files
    • Add comments
    • Fill & SIgn forms
    • Request e-signatures
    • Send in bulk
    • Create a web form

Steps to add your OneDrive account in Acrobat online:

  1. Sign in to Acrobat online at with your Adobe ID and password or your Google or Apple account.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click Documents.

  3. In the left navigation pane, click Add an Account and then click the +Add button.

    Add your OneDrive account

  4. Enter your login credentials when prompted. 

    OneDrive sign in dialog

  5. Acrobat requests your permission to access your contacts and manage files. Click Accept in the permissions dialog.

    Final confirmation dialog

  6. Your OneDrive account is added under the Other Storage section in the left pane. Click the account to see the list of files/folders. All the actions specific to the selected file type are available in the right context pane.

    Your OneDrive files in Home View


    You can add multiple OneDrive accounts in Acrobat online.

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