Pages loose all Nodes below their Content Node


You are using MSM with ContentCopyAction and delete a page in the LiveCopy. Corresponding page in the BluePrint loose all Nodes below their jcr:content Node.


Main problem is the existing property jcr:frozenUuid on all Nodes below jcr:content on the LiveCopy pages which point to the version history of the corresponding Node in the BluePrint and was copied by the VersionCopyAction.

In such a case the restore of this Node results in a deletion of the Node the uuid in jcr:frozenUuid points, so the Node on the BluePrint.


To fix this issue we recommend to adapt the Rollout Manager config and exclude "jcr:frozenUuid" and "jcr:uuid" from rollout:

  • Go the the configuration console manager (/system/console/configMgr)
  • Identify the config for "Day CQ WCM Rollout Manager" and click the edit button
  • In the "Excluded Paragraph Properties" add "jcr:frozenUuid" and "jcr:uuid" and click "Save"
  • Go to the bundles page (/system/console/bundles) and restart the cq-msm-core bundle to ensure the new config is picked up

Please note that this fix takes effect only for LiveCopies created after this adaption of the config.

For already existing LiveCopies it's required to remove property "jcr:frozenUuid" from all Nodes in the LiveCopy tree (i.e. with a helper script). Versions created from this time are save to restore, versions before cannot be fixed and have to be purged.


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