Adobe Sign for SAP SuccessFactors: Onboarding Installation

Onboarding Reporting Tile

V12 Home Page

Once subscribed, the tile for Onboarding is automatically available in the homepage:

Adobe Sign tile

V3 Home Page

Once subscribed, the tile for Onboarding is automatically available in the SFSF and can be included in the Home Page from the Manage Home Page administration. Move the new tile AdobeSignOnb from the Not Used section to the Default section (or to the desired custom section):

Custom MDF object for Signed Documents

Create Custom Object

Access “Configure Object Definition”:  select Create New -> Object Definition:

Create a new custom object cust_OnbSignedDoc definition with the following properties:

The custom object should contain the following fields:

Name Database Field Name Data Type
externalCode externalCode User
externalName externalName String
cust_OnbSignedDoc sfFields.sfField1 Attachment
mdfSystemEffectiveStartDate effectiveStartDate Date
mdfSystemEffectiveEndDate effectiveEndDate Date
mdfSystemTransactionSequence transactionSequence Number
mdfSystemInternalCode internalCode Number
mdfSystemEntityId entityId String
mdfSystemRecordId recordId String
mdfSystemStatus effectiveStatusStr Enum
mdfSystemObjectType objectType String
mdfSystemId id Number
mdfSystemCreatedBy createdBy User
mdfSystemCreatedDate createdDate DateTime
mdfSystemLastModifiedBy lastModifiedBy User
mdfSystemLastModifiedDate lastModifiedDate DateTime
mdfSystemProxyUser proxyUser String
mdfSystemRecordStatus recordStatusStr Enum
mdfSystemOptimisticLockId optimisticLockId Number
mdfSystemOptimisticLockUUID optimisticLockUUID String
mdfSystemExternalUserVisibility externalUserVisibility Enum
mdfSystemVersionId versionId Number
cust_OnbSignedDoc2 sfFields.sfField3 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc3 sfFields.sfField4 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc4 sfFields.sfField39 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc5 sfFields.sfField40 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc6 sfFields.sfField41 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc7 sfFields.sfField42 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc8 sfFields.sfField43 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc9 sfFields.sfField44 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc10 sfFields.sfField45 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc11 sfFields.sfField46 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc12 sfFields.sfField47 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc13 sfFields.sfField48 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc14 sfFields.sfField49 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc15 sfFields.sfField50 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc16 sfFields.sfField51 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc17 sfFields.sfField52 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc18 sfFields.sfField53 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc19 sfFields.sfField54 Attachment
cust_OnbSignedDoc20 sfFields.sfField55 Attachment

For the field externalName you can predefine a Description valid for all the documents by changing the “Default Value”.


As soon as all the fields are defined, complete the rest of the properties. Please make sure to grant the correct RBP permissions for the category “Miscellaneous Permissions” base on the User field called “externalCode”:

Create User Interface

Navigate to “Manage Configuration UI” and select Create New: ID: cust_OnbSignedDoc

Base Object: cust_OnbSignedDoc


For each of the below mentioned fields, click on “Edit properties” and perform the following changes:

-          externalName:

o    Visible: No

-          cust_OnbSignedDoc (Onboarding Signed Documents):

o    Editable: No

-          Cust_OnbSignedDoc2 -> Cust_OnbSignedDoc20:

o    Editable: No

o    Show Label: No

An optional property to not show the tile of the interface can be setup by accessing the header properties:

After the User Interface for the object is created, navigate to Extension center and create a new extension called cust_OnbSignedDoc. For this extension you will add the existing object cust_OnbSignedDoc created earlier. Save the extension.

Grant permissions

Select the user group for the technical API user in your system (Admin center -> Set user permissions -> Manage permission roles) and navigate to “Miscellaneous Permissions”. Select the custom extension from the right side of the screen and grand the View –Edit – Import/Export permissions.

Configure Employee Files

Employee Profile V11

Navigate to “Configure Employee Files” and Edit the “Profile” section:

On the User Elements, Add a new portlet of type “Live Profile MDF information”:

Select the desired name and description and use as MDF Screen Id “cust_OnbSignedDoc”:

By navigating to Employee Files/My Employee Files -> Profile, the new portlet should be visible:

Employee Files V12/People Profile

Navigate to “Configure People Profile” – in the right part of the screen (“Available Blocks”) scroll all the way to “Custom Block” and select “Live Profile MDF information”. Drag this block and drop it into the desired section from the left part of the screen (for testing purpose, we will use the section “Personal Information”):

Select the Block Name and the MDF object (and Save):

To check the custom field creation, navigation to “My employee files”.

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