Transform your mobile portrait and landscape photos with creative lenses for natural effects.
What you learned: Enhance portraits and scenic images from your camera phone with natural-looking effects
Add portrait styling with Portrait and Studio Light lenses
Both the Portrait and Studio Light lenses use AI technology to find the face of your subject, as well as the outline of their body, and create a live background blurring effect as you’re composing a shot.
- Swipe left or right on the screen to see the different lens variations.
- For best background blurring results, look for good contrast between your subject and the background.
Adjust the Lens Properties to fine-tune the image
The Lens Properties for the Portrait and Studio Light lenses have many settings in common, including options for skin smoothing, adjusting the level of lighting on the face, and options to control the quality of the bokeh, or background blurring.
- The Face Distance setting can produce a more flattering result and correct the subtle lens distortion on faces that is caused when the camera is close to the subject.
- Studio Light offers a Relighting setting that analyzes the structure of the subject’s face to apply its subtle lighting changes.
- In the 2nd variation of the Studio Light lens, the Contouring property intelligently applies lighting modifications based on the contours of the subject’s face.
- Studio Light also has a Background Fade property for dimming the background or making it black.
- The Vignette option in the Studio Light lenses can be very effective for portraits to gradually darken the outer edges and draw attention to your subject.
Add realistic skies to landscape photos
The Blue Skies lens can improve images with a featureless sky by adding a more interesting sky to the scene. This is especially useful for situations where the existing sky is overcast, or dulled by atmospheric haze, smog, or smoke.
- Swipe left or right on the screen to see the different sky variations.
- Changes in brightness and contrast are automatically applied for each sky.
- Use a two-finger gesture to resize and move the added sky element.
- In the Lens Properties, the Horizon Fade control can help to create a better blend with the added sky, especially if there is already a hazy quality to the distant landscape.
- You can also try using subtle shifts to the Temperature control to adjust the color tint in your image.
- Try the Celestial lens to turn a daytime scene into a nocturnal image.