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In Captivate, variables allow you to add extra functionality to your projects. This article lists all the system and user variables in Adobe Captivate.
To access variables in Captivate, click Project > Variables.
To add new variables to your project, follow the instructions in Creating user-defined variables.
By default, there are two user variables in Captivate. They are:
Variable name |
Default value |
Description |
cpQuizInfoStudentID |
Get the ID of a student from LMS. |
cpQuizInfoStudentName |
Get the name of a student from LMS. |
System variables in Adobe Captivate are grouped according to functionalities.
This category lists variables for events that control a movie, such as, pause, resume, previous, next slide.
Variable name | Default value | Description |
cpCmndCC | 0 | Enable or disable Closed Captioning (CC). Set value to 1 to display closed captions. |
cpCmndExit | 0 | Set value to 1 to exit a movie. |
cpCmndGotoFrame | -1 | Set the value as the frame number to which a movie jumps to and pauses. |
cpCmndGotoFrameAndResume | -1 | Set the value as the frame number to which a movie jumps to and plays. |
cpCmndGotoSlide | -1 | Causes the movie to jump to the specified slide. The index begins at zero. |
cpCmndMute | 0 | Mutes or unmutes the audio. Set value to 1 to mute the audio. |
cpCmndNextSlide | 0 | Set the value to 1 to move to the next slide. |
cpCmndPause | 0 | Pauses a movie. Set the value to 1 to pause the movie. |
cpCmndPlaybarMoved | 0 | Set the value to 1 if the playbar has moved. |
cpCmndPrevious | 0 | Set the value to 1 to go to the previous slide. |
cpCmndResume | 0 | Set the value to 1 to resume the movie. |
cpCmndShowPlaybar | 1 | Displays or hides the playbar . Set the value to 1 to display the playbar . |
cpCmndTOCVisible | 0 | Displays or hides the Table of Contents (TOC). Set the value to 1 to display the TOC. |
cpCmndVolume | 100 | Controls a movie’s volume. The range is zero (mute) to 100 (maximum). |
cpLockTOC | 0 | Enables or disables user interaction with the TOC. Set the value to 1 to disable the interaction. |
This category lists variables related to a movie.
Variable name | Default value | Description |
CaptivateVersion | v9.0.0 | Displays the existing Captivate version. |
cpInfoCurrentFrame | 1 | Returns the current frame number. |
cpInfoCurrentSlide | 1 | Returns the current slide number. The index begins at 1. |
cpInfoCurrentSlideLabel | Returns the name of the current slide. | |
cpInfoCurrentSlideType | normal | Returns the type of slide playing currently. The slide type can be normal or question. |
cpInfoElapsedTimeMS | 0 | Returns the time, in milliseconds, since the movie started playing. |
cpInfoFPS | 1 | Returns the Frame Rate/Second of the movie in fps. |
cpInfoFrameCount | 1 | Returns the number of frames in the project. |
cpInfoHasPlaybar | 1 | Indicates whether a playbar is enabled or disabled for the slide. Returns 1 if the playbar is visible. |
cpInfoIsStandalone | 1 | Used to detect if the movie is playing back as a stand-alone Windows (*.exe) or Mac (*.app) executable or as a SWF embedded in a web page. Default is 0. Returns a 1 when playing back as an *.exe. |
cpInfoLastVisitedSlide | 0 | Returns the slide number of the last visited slide. Index begins at zero. |
cpInfoPrevSlide | -1 | Returns the number of the slide previously playing before the current slide. The index begins at 1. |
cpInfoSlideCount | 1 | Returns the number of slides in the project. |
This category lists variables related to information about a project. You can set the project metadata in the Preferences dialog (File > Project Info).
Variable name |
Default value |
Description |
cpInfoAuthor |
author |
Returns the name of the author as set in the project properties. |
cpInfoCompany |
company |
Returns the name of the company as set in the project properties. |
cpInfoCopyright |
copyright |
Returns the copyright information as set in the project properties. |
cpInfoDescription |
project description |
Returns the description of the project as set in the project properties. |
cpInfoEmail |
author@company.com |
Returns the email address as set in the project properties. |
cpInfoProjectName |
project name |
REturns the name of the Adobe Captivate project as set in the project properties. |
cpInfoWebsite |
http://www.company.com |
Returns the URL as specified in the project properties. |
This category lists variables related to information about existing system environment.
Variable name | Default value | Description |
cpInfoCurrentDate | dd | Returns the current date as set in your computer. |
cpInfoCurrentDateString | mm/dd/yyyy | Returns the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
cpInfoCurrentDateStringDDMMYY | dd/mm/yyyy | Returns the current date in the format dd/mm/yyyy. |
cpInfoCurrentDay | 1 | Returns a number indicating the day od the week. For example, the variable returns 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, and so on. |
cpInfoCurrentHour | hh | Returns the current hour set in your computer in a 24-hr format. |
cpInfoCurrentLocaleDateString | Returns the current date based on your computer's locale settings. For example, if the locale set is India, cpInfoCurrentLocale returns 'Mon Jun 27 2016' (while cpInfoCurrentDateString returns '06/27/2016'). | |
cpInfoCurrentMinutes | mm | Returns the current minutes as set in your computer. |
cpInfoCurrentMonth | mm | Returns the current month as set in your computer. |
cpInfoCurrentTime | hh:mm:ss | Returns the current time in the format hh:mm:ss. |
cpInfoCurrentYear | yyyy | Returns the current year as set in your computer. |
cpInfoEpochMS | 0 | Returns the time elapsed, in milliseconds, since January 01, 1970. |
cpInfoMobileOS | 0 | Returns the type of OS of the mobile device.
This category lists variables related to quiz scores and attempts.
Variable name | Default value | Description |
cpInQuizScope | 0 | Indicates whether a user is in the scope of the quiz. |
cpInReviewMode | 0 | Indicates whether a user is in a review mode. |
cpInfoPercentage | 0 | Returns the quiz score as percentage. |
cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice | 0 | Returns the answer chosen by a user. |
cpQuizInfoAttempts | 0 | Returns the number of times the quiz has been attempted. |
cpQuizInfoLastSlidePointScored | 0 | Returns the score for the last quiz slide. |
cpQuizInfoMaxAttemptsOnCurrentQuestion | 0 | Returns the maximum number of attempts allowed for the current question. |
cpQuizInfoNegativePointsOnQuestionSlide | 0 | Returns the negative points for the current question slide. |
cpQuizInfoPassFail | 0 | Returns 1 for a passed quiz, else returns 0. |
cpQuizInfoPointsPerQuestionSlide | 0 | Returns the number of points set for the current question slide. |
cpQuizInfoPointsscored | 0 | Returns the total points scored in the project. |
cpQuizInfoPreTestMaxScore | 0 | Returns the maximum score for the pretest questions. |
cpQuizInfoPreTestTotalCorrectAnswers | 0 | Returns the number of correctly answered pretest questions. |
cpQuizInfoPreTestTotalQuestions | 0 | Returns the number of pretest questions in the project. |
cpQuizInfoPretestPointsscored | 0 | Returns the pretest score as points. |
cpQuizInfoPretestScorePercentage | 0 | Returns the pretest score as percentage. |
cpQuizInfoQuestionPartialScoreOn | 0 | Indicates whether partial scoring is enabled for the current question. Returns 1 if enabled. |
cpQuizInfoQuestionSlideTiming | 0 | Returns the time limit in seconds for the current question. |
cpQuizInfoQuestionSlideType | 0 | Returns the question slide type(Multiple-Choice or True-False) |
cpQuizInfoQuizPassPercent | 0 | Returns the passing percentage for the quiz. |
cpQuizInfoQuizPassPoints | 0 | Returns the points set to pass the quiz. |
cpQuizInfoTotalCorrectAnswers | 0 | Returns the number of correct answers. |
cpQuizInfoTotalProjectPoints | 0 | Returns the total quiz points for the project. |
cpQuizInfoTotalQuestionsPerProject | 0 | Returns the number of questions for the project. |
cpQuizInfoTotalQuizPoints | 0 | Returns the total number of points for the quiz. |
cpQuizInfoTotalUnansweredQuestions | 0 | Returns the total number of unanswered questions in the project. |
This category lists a variable related to geolocation information of a user.
Variable name |
Properties |
Description |
cpInfoGeoLocation |
Returns the geographic location of a user. |