See how you can request access to Global Admin Console.
The Global Admin Console allows resources to be distributed to child organizations for management and assignment to users in those organizations.
Part of the process of distributing and administration of Adobe products across organizations is the partitioning of resources purchased into resource allocations across the organizations to be managed. Administration of product resources can be distributed to other organizations by giving all or just some of the resource. Not all resources of all products can be so allocated. Sometimes, products are not distributable to other organizations. Such products are listed in the Product Allocation tab, but there are no controls for them to be added to other organizations.
You cannot allocate products to a child organization from a contract that has expired, or if the organization is in inactive state. Learn more about contract expiry, or contact your company's administrator for assistance to prevent the users on the child organization from losing access to their Adobe apps and services.
Pooled storage
We are in the process of migrating customers to the new pooled storage model. Once your organization is migrated, you will see the following changes:
- Global Administrators gain access to storage quota and usage across the hierarchy and can allocate storage to organizations using the Product Allocation tab in the Global Admin Console.
- System Administrators and Storage Administrators have full control and visibility of storage across the organization. They can track and manage storage using the Storage tab in Adobe Admin Console.
With the updates to Adobe Creative Cloud storage, the storage quotas are flexible for end users up to the amount of storage purchased by the organization. Learn more.
Allocate products
The Product Allocation tab in the Global Admin Console shows allocation units for products you have purchased across the organization hierarchy. As a Global Administrator, you can allocate these product resources to another organization in the organization tree specifying the quantity to be allocated. As a Global Viewer, you can see and export the data, but cannot update anything.
To allocate products to an organization, do the following:
Sign in to the Global Admin Console and navigate to Product Allocation.
Select a Product from the drop-down list to see how it is allocated to different organizations.
If an organization does not presently have a product, + appears.
Note:If the child organization already has a purchase contract, product allocation may be limited from the parent to this child organization. Learn more.
To allocate the product, click + for the relevant organization.
Some products include more than one allocatable resource, in which case, several resources are listed in the dialog box and values must be provided for each of them. For example, Adobe Stock can include Adobe Stock Image credits and premium credits.
In the dialog box that appears, specify the quantity of the product.
Click Save.
To allow or disallow overallocation of a resource, click the relevant toggle.
Click Review Pending Changes after you are done allocating resources. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
Depending on the type of product and overall system load, allocating products can take some time, ranging from minutes to hours.
The Global Admin Console gives you the ability to allocate and distribute Acrobat Sign user licenses or transactions across the organizational hierarchy. Each organization within the hierarchy with Acrobat Sign licenses or transactions allocated creates its own discrete Acrobat Sign account.
- Each Acrobat Sign account created is independent and siloed in terms of administration and content.
- Each Acrobat Sign account is unaware of the existence of other Acrobat Sign accounts created, for example, parent/sister organizations.
Learn more about managing Adobe Acrobat Sign in the Admin Console.
To manage authentication add-ons such as Knowledge-based Authentication (KBA) and Phone Authentication (PA), contact your Adobe representative or Customer Success Manager.
Allocation from a parent organization to a child organization is limited in the following cases:
- If both the organizations have different contracts with the product that you are trying to allocate existing on both, mixing the same offer between contracts is not allowed.
- If both the organizations have the same contracts, you can request to allow the allocation of a product by contacting your Adobe representative or submitting a support case specifying that the Product Allocation in Global Admin Console is blocked.
As a Global Administrator, you can allow Overallocation of resources.
An allocation policy associated with the product and organization indicates whether overallocation is allowed.
Overallocation allows granting more product resources to a child organization than is available in the parent organization. It is useful when allocations are approximate, and the administrator does not want to be burdened with keeping the resource allocations adding up.
If overallocation is disabled for a product resource in an organization, then the sum of child grants cannot exceed the parent grant. Requests to overallocate a resource marked with overallocation disabled are not executed.
When overallocation toggle is switched from enabled to disabled, the grant values must be adjusted to eliminate overallocation before grant updates can be executed, if an overallocation situation is present in the grant quantities of a resource.
Import and export product allocation data
As a Global Administrator, you can export the product allocation data as a JSON or CSV file. You can then manipulate this data and upload it back to import the changes.
When the potentially modified data is uploaded, the new data is compared with current data and any changes are applied to the product allocation data. You can then review and submit the pending changes for them to take effect.
This section is about the export and import functionality available on the Product Allocation tab of the Global Admin Console. For details on export and import functionality on the Organizations tab, see Export and import organization structure.
Export the product allocation model
- Sign in to the Global Admin Console and navigate to the Product Allocation tab.
- Click and select Export CSV or Export JSON. Your file is downloaded. Learn more about the export formats.
Import the product allocation model
- Sign in to the Global Admin Console and navigate to the Product Allocation tab.
- Click and select Import.
- Select a JSON or CSV file to upload.
- Click Review Pending Changes. After reviewing, click Submit Changes to execute them.
Export and import formats for product allocation
The export and import formats are the same. While importing in CSV format, the fields can appear in any order but must always match their header row. While importing in JSON format, the fields can appear in any order.
You must specify the operation while importing product allocation data. The operation can be one of the following:
- Update: indicates an edit (change to grantedQuantity, allowOverAllocation values).
- Create: indicates to add a product resource to the specified organization.
- Delete: indicates deletion of product.
If no operation is given, then no changes occur when data is imported for that row in CSV or object in JSON.
In the exported file, there is one row or record for each product resource. Some products have more than one resource.
If a product has more than one resource, Update operations can apply to independent resources, a Delete operation deletes the product including all resources from an organization, and a Create operation needs a record for each of the resources in the import file so that the proper quantity of each of them can be specified. The allowOverAllocation field is product wide and it does not matter which resource an update to this field is in.
Field Name | Description | Use |
productName | Name of the product. For example, All Apps. | Read only |
licenseId | Id of a product (unique to a product in an org). When adding a new product this can be empty or set to a placeholder identifier, for example, new_product_1. The placeholder identifier is used in cases where other imported entries need to refer to this product. After creation, an actual license id will be assigned and replace all uses of the placeholder license id. |
Can be set when operation=Create |
sourceLicenseId | Id of parent product. It is empty or null if this represents a purchase instead of an allocation. | Can be set when operation=Create |
productId | Id that identifies this product class. This id is shared amongst products of the same type and differs from the licenseId which identifies an instance of this product. | Read only |
resourceName | Name of this product resource. For example, User Licenses. | Read only |
resourceId | Id that identifies this product resource. | Can be set when operation=Create |
orgPathName | Pathname of the organization this product resource is in. Segments separated by "/". | Read only |
orgName | Simple name of the organization containing this product resource. This is the final segment of the orgPathName. | Read only |
orgId | Organization Id of the organization containing this product resource. | Can be set when operation=Create |
grantedQuantity | Number of units of resource quantity granted to this organization by its parent or the amount purchased if this product resource entry represents a purchase. This field is updatable except for purchased products or root allocations that global administrator does not have permission to change. |
Can be updated when operation=Update or operation=Create |
unit | Name of the resource unit. For example, Users. | Read only |
totalAllocations | Sum of the grants to child organizations from this organization for this product resource. This value includes the direct grants to immediate children plus overallocations from those organizations. For example, if this organization granted a child 10 and the child then allocated its child 25, the totalAllocations would be 25: the 10 granted to the child plus an overage of 15 in that child. | Read only |
grantOverage | Amount by which totalAllocations exceeds the grantedQuantity. If totalAllocations doesn't exceed grantedQuantity, this value is null or zero. | Read only |
localLicensedQuantity | Amount of this resource granted to this organization left over for its use after the quantity allocated to children is deducted. This is the amount shown as available in the Admin Console. This value can be zero but is never negative even if this organization has overallocated resources to its children. | Read only |
localUsage | Number of units of the resource used in this organization. For example, delegating a User License to a user would count as 1 unit of usage. | Read only |
totalUsage | Number of units of the resource used by this organization and all children. This shows usage of this resource in the part of the organization hierarchy rooted by this organization. | Read only |
useOverage | Amount of the total usage over the grant of the organization (organization and children have used more of the resource than available). This shows a nonzero value when totalUsage exceeds localLicensedQuantity, | Read only |
allowOverAllocation | Indicates whether user is allowed to grant more resources to children even though there is no more to grant (allowed to grant despite grant overage) This value applies to all resources of this product. If an attempt is made to update allowOverallocation for more than one resource of the same product to different values, the result is random. | Can be updated when operation=Update |
isPurchasedProduct | true if the product is a purchase product (not allocated by parent). This is equivalent to sourceLicenseId having an empty value. | Read only |
redistributable | true if the product can be allocated to children, false means that the product is only available in the organization in which it is shown and resources cannot be allocated to another organization. | Read only |
operation | One of blank, Create, Update or Delete. Action to take when data is imported. |
Data validation
- The operation field must have a valid operation.
- The product import data must have properties and values for required fields.
- The product import data properties must be of the correct type.
- The product policy field (overAllocation) must not be provided for different resources.
- The grantedQuantity field:
- Can't be changed to unlimited if it is not already unlimited.
- Must be a non-negative integer or the string value unlimited.
Permission/accessible validation
- The organization associated with the import data must exist. If you are updating, ensure that the product and resource associated with the import data actually exist.
Add product validation
- SourceLicenseId must exist.
- Organization associated with the new product must exist.
- The product being created must not exist (product with same licenseId).
- The resources associated with a product being created must have a corresponding productId that matches that product.
Expired contracts in the hierarchy
You cannot allocate products to a child organization from an ETLA contract that has expired. In-app banners and notifications such as the following, on the Overview and Product Allocation pages will indicate clearly when the contract on one or more child organizaiton, is going to expire, has expired, or is inactive.
Once an ETLA contract that is part of the hierarchy is inactive, the products are removed from the Overview and Product Allocation pages.
Learn more about contract expiry, or contact your company's administrator for assistance to prevent the users on the child organization from losing access to their Adobe apps and services.
More like this
You can go back to editing and setting up the organizations. If you still don't have access to the Global Admin Console, submit a support case using your Admin Console to request the same.