Make an eBook (fixed layout EPUB) using Adobe InDesign without writing code | Adobe InDesign tutorials
Learn how to make an eBook with rich imagery and elaborate layout that looks just like the InDesign document without writing code.

Create a highly visual eBook and preserve its layout in the EPUB format. Sound like an oxymoron? It's not. 

If you’ve designed an eBook that’s heavy with graphics in a beautiful layout, chances are you’d like to maintain its appearance when you export it to the EPUB format. Now you can. You’ll learn how to create an EPUB document that stays true to its original design while preserving live text, complex layouts, rich media, and interactivity. By the end of the first video, you’ll understand the differences between the two versions of EPUB: reflowable and fixed-layout.

View a reflowable EPUB (0:26); View a fixed-layout EPUB (1:46)

Learn how to create a ready-to-publish, fixed layout EPUB.

Now that you know the differences between a reflowable and fixed layout EPUB, you’ll learn how to create a fixed layout EPUB that is ready to publish to the Apple iBookstore.

Prepare for export to fixed-layout EPUB (1:18); Export to fixed-layout EPUB (1:37); Select fixed-layout setting (1:42); Add viewing apps (2:55)
Anne-Marie “Her Geekness” Concepción