The Signer Identity Report (SIR) records the input captured during the Government ID authentication method. (e.g., The signer's face image, phone number, Government ID images, data extracted from Government ID, etc.)
By default, Adobe Acrobat Sign does not store this information. Accounts with a requirement to collect this data can contact the support team and request the SIR to be enabled.
The SIR:
- persists alongside the audit report as a discrete file
- can be accessed by the Sender using the Manage page interface or a v6 REST API call
- can be destroyed through the same data governance or GDPR delete actions that delete the audit report
One SIR is created per agreement. If multiple recipients on the same agreement authenticate with Government ID, all are represented in the one report.
Agreements that are In-progress show the SIR as an Interim Signer Identity Report. The report remains flagged as an Interim report until the transaction reaches a terminal state (completed, expired, abandoned).
When the agreement is finally resolved, the SIR is labeled as the Final Signer Identity Report:
The Government ID authentication method and the Signer Identity Report are available to the enterprise service plan only.
User Access to the Signer Identity Report
Only the originator of the agreement can download the SIR from the Manage page.
- Advanced sharing grants access to the SIR with View permissions
To download the SIR:
- Navigate to your Manage page
- Single-click (select) the agreement with the report you want
- In the right rail, click See more to expose all tools
- Click Download Identity Report
- A pop-up appears, requiring you to provide a password for the document
- This password is embedded in the PDF and must be entered before the PDF can be viewed
- Once the password is in place, click Download. The report is downloaded to your local system
If the SIR is downloaded prior to the agreement reaching a terminal state, the document is marked as an Interim report. Once the agreement is completed, the report will identify as the Final SIR.