Navigate to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display.
This article provides a workaround for the issue where Dreamweaver 2017 does not display correctly on Windows Hi-DPI machines.
Display issues on Hi-DPI machines
If you are using Dreamweaver 2017 on a Windows Hi-DPI machine, and have increased the text size beyond 100%, then some panels in Dreamweaver do not display correctly.
For example, the Preferences (Edit > Preferences) panel does not load any content. Other panels can also appear truncated.
Workaround on Windows 7
In the Windows Display settings, set the font size to 100%. Close Dreamweaver 2017 and launch it again.
In the Display window that appears, choose the Smaller (100%) default option.
Changing the text display settings Changing the text display settings -
Click Apply.
Close Dreamweaver 2017, log out of Windows and log back in again.
Launch Dreamweaver 2017.
All Dreamweaver 2017 panels appear correctly.
Workaround on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
If you face Dreamweaver display issues in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, try the following workaround:
Close Dreamweaver.
Search for and locate the Dreamweaver.exe file. Right-click the file, and select Properties.
Note:By default, Dreamweaver installs in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver 2017 location.
In the Compatibility tab, deselect Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
Enabling display scaling Enabling display scaling -
Launch Dreamweaver 2017.
All Dreamweaver 2017 panels appear correctly.