Troubleshooting - Why is AppMeasurement library not loading/loading multiple times?

Having trouble with your AppMeasurement library not loading or loading multiple times? Here are some common causes and how to troubleshoot them.

Here is some general information about AppMeasurement for JavaScript, including things to know before you migrate, unsupported browsers, and the initialization process. Please review it before proceeding to troubleshoot further.  

Unable to generate Appmeasurement library

  • There are both supported and unsupported plugins for AppMeasurement, please make sure yours is not on the unsupported list here
  • Here are instructions on how to manually insert core AppMeasurement code  

Inconsistent library Load order between tools

  • If more than one Adobe Analytics tool is used in a single web property, each tool must have a unique tracker variable name. Duplicative object variable names between Adobe Analytics tools within a single web property will cause conflicts.
  • Here are descriptions of the fields and options in the Library Management settings in dynamic tag management.

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