Deploy Adobe Express through Google App Licensing

Get unlimited Adobe Express for K12 Education licenses and manage them through the Google Admin Console.


Adobe has partnered with Google to offer free Adobe Express for K12 Education licenses to all teachers and students in a school or district through Google App Licensing. Google App Licensing allows IT admins to provision, delegate, set up, and manage Adobe Express licenses all within the Google Admin console. Existing Adobe Express customers who primarily use Chromebooks can sign up for App Licensing, as can Chromebook schools or districts that have never deployed Adobe Express for K12.

  • K12 schools and districts get free, unlimited Adobe Express licenses.
  • A license isn't counted as used until the assigned student attempts to sign in to Adobe Express. License provisioning happens at the time of sign-in.
  • Existing Adobe Express for K12 customers that have managed licenses through the Adobe Admin Console can still request licenses through Google App Licensing. Nothing will change about the existing district setup except that Adobe will now consider the Google Admin Console for checking the license state for each user.


For App Licensing to work for Adobe Express, schools or districts must:

  1. Be a valid Local Education Agency (LEA).
  2. Have a current VIP or ETLA agreement in place with Adobe. If not, here's how to get a new Adobe Express for K12 organization account.
  3. Have an IT Admin with a super-admin role on the Google Admin Console fill out the App Licensing request form.
  4. Ensure that Google SSO is configured and auto-account creation is turned on in the Adobe Admin Console.
Directory settings page in the Admin Console showing auto-account creation enabled for Google OIDC
Verify that the Google OIDC card is present and that auto-account creation is enabled.

Request Licenses

As an IT admin, you can request licenses here if your school or district is new to Adobe or already has the free Adobe Express for K12 Education offer.

Once you submit the request, you receive an email to redeem licenses via the Google App Licensing.

Redeem licenses and set up Adobe Express for Chromebooks

After requesting licenses, you receive an email to redeem them.

  1. Select Redeem licenses in the email. 

  2. On the Redeem app licenses dialog box in the Google Admin Console, select Redeem.

  3. Turn on Adobe Express.

  4. In the dialog box that appears, select the checkbox to enable API client access and choose Accept.

  5. In the Admin Contact Info dialog box, provide your information and select the checkbox to agree to share the information with the application developer. Then, choose Next.

  6. Select Save.

    Google Admin Console screen with app licensing for Adobe Express turned on
    Turn on app licensing for Adobe Express and save the changes.

  7. Navigate to the Users & browsers tab.

  8. Click the yellow   button and select Add by URL.

  9. Enter the following URL and select Save:

  10. Select Adobe Express and then select Force install + pin to ChromeOS taskbar under installation policy.

    Users & browsers tab in Google Admin Console displaying the installation policy options.
    Modify the installation policy for Adobe Express.

  11. Select Save.


Admins don't need to force install the application to the Chrome taskbar if there are other school or district preferences for making learning applications visible to students on Chromebooks. If you choose not to force-install the application on ChromeOS, use this link in bookmarks or other shortcuts.

Launching the application

Once Adobe Express is installed on Chromebooks and licenses are requested for all students, classrooms across the school or district should be able to sign in seamlessly. Students can open their Chromebooks and select the Adobe Express icon on the Chrome taskbar to open Express.

If the Adobe Express icon doesn't appear on the taskbar, do the following:

  1. Open the Launcher in the bottom-left corner and select Adobe Express.

  2. Visit the Express website. The student will be signed in since they are already logged in with their Google account on their Chromebook.

  3. If the student isn't signed in automatically, they'll see the Adobe Express sign-in page. They must select Continue with Google and enter their school email address.

For additional questions or clarifications about App Licensing and Adobe Express, contact

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