Last updated on
27 Des 2022
Also applies to Communiqué 3, Communiqué 4
You have a limited-role ACL to make sure that some users don't have access to "W. " However, the pencil icon still appears for these users.
Add explicit code to your templates to determine whether to display the edit button based on roles.
Or, you can create an overlay from
In the overlay, change the following lines:
//edit rights //--> not checked,because we do not exactly know if only atoms are edited, which belong to the paragraph (resp. container)
to something like:
//edit rights this.noEdit = ((myRights.indexOf("r") < 0) || (myRights.indexOf("w") < 0)) ? "1" : this.noEdit;
Additional information
By default, the Edit Bar does not restrict edit access based on roles.