Last updated on
27 Des 2022
Also applies to Dispatcher
I need to investigate communication issue between the dispatcher and the CQ instance (render)
Answer, Resolution
In order to do my investigation I can use the proxy.jar tool provided in the crx-quickstart/opt/helpers folder of my CQ/CRX installation. The original documentation can be found at on this page (1). The basic is to change the port on which you will send the data, then use proxy.jar to redirect to the correct instance. For example if your CQ instance run on port 4502 of your localhost, you should have in the dispatcher.any the following lines. /renders{
# hostname or IP of the render
/hostname ""
# port of the render
/port "4502"
# connect timeout in milliseconds, 0 to wait indefinitely
/timeout "0"
} } So you can simply change the port 4502 to a new port for example 4512, and start the proxy.jar with the following command: > java -jar proxy.jar localhost 4502 4512 -logfile proxy.log This will open a port to listen on port 4512 and redirect it to 4502, so that all communication is then logged in the proxy.log (make sure you restarted the webserver for the dispatcher.any changes to take effect).
Later you can use this information to find more details about what could be the issue (for example your SSO is not properly configured and so you dont get the correct header in the request). For full description of the proxy.jar options you can type:
> java -jar proxy.jar
SimpleProxyServer Version 1.16 (c) 2002-2004 Day Management AG
java -jar proxy.jar <host> <remoteport> <localport> [options]
-q Quiet Mode
-b Binary Mode
-t Timestamp log entries
-i [n] Uses up to 'n' connection indentations. default is 16
-logfile <filename> Dumps the conversation also to the logfile (even in quiet mode)
All Dispatcher versions