Last updated on
27 Des 2022
Also applies to CRX, CRX 2.2
Fixed issues
- 29408 - Tree based consistency check and fix
- 33038 - Out-of-process text extraction for better protection agains JVM/memory/CPU problems
- 33940 - Cluster: Unexpected exception Lock timeout under extreme load
- 33955 - ItemManager.getItem deadlock
- 34008 - Cluster: preferredMaster flag / Not master
- 34087 - Token Authentication Handler: Customize response for Flex Clients
- 34113 - Token Authentication Handler: Support request parameter authentication
- 34118 - Clustering: stopping, starting master node cause the cluster to be out of sync
- 34132 - Journal parameter 'becomeMasterOnTimeout' cannot be set
- 34187 - Treat a "Connection reset" in a socket read like an EOF
- 34204 - Token Authentication: Backport Jackrabbit 2.3 enhancements
- 34222 - Preferred Master fails to synchronize before becoming master
- 34259 - Slave sometimes thinks the master is disconnected
- 34355 - Tar PM: merging index files fails for repositories with more than 134 million nodes
- 34481 - Tar PM: "File not found" is ignored
- 34668 - FileNotFoundException after Tar PM optimization
- 34757 - Token authentication parameters are not loaded from JAAS configuration
- 34792 - Access checks for backupDownload.jsp
- 34886 - Membership cache too small for repositories with many users/groups
- 34959 - ACE cache ineffective when having more than 1000 ACEs
- 35008 - CQ5.3/CRX2.2: CQUserManagerImpl triggers javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
- 35361 - Search not working on jcr:data (given mimeType)
- 35838 - LDAPLoginModule performance regression in CRX 2.2
- 35895 - DescendantSelfAxisQuery may fail with IOException when session has limited access
- 35982 - ISE in ldap sync and ldap user purge
- 35997 - LDAPUserSync.performUpdate bottleneck
- 36061 - Optimize TarPM optimization
- 35873 - Tar PM optimization - IOException: Last transaction not committed or rolled back
- 36256 - Tar PM optimization starts at midnight if set to "-0", and can't be disabled
- 36275 - FileNotFound in Tar PM
- 36252 - Sling POST Servlet susceptible to CSRF Attack
- 36274 - CRX WebDAV component susceptible to CSRF Attack
- 36258 - Location of crx-quickstart directory be interpolated to replace system properties
- 36555 - Binaries do not get indexed during full index rebuild after crx HF2.2.0.22 applied
- 36572 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ConcurrentCache
- 35604 - Cluster node not starting
- 36468 - LDAPUserSync: LDAP entry does not contain all values if no callback is present
- 36735 - bundle is missing in CRX hotfix
- 36232 - Cluster stops working in case one cluster-node runs out of disk space
- 36735 - After OutOfMemory, slave also became master
- 37031 - Cannot index Words document due to java.lang.InstantiationError: org.apache.tika.extractor.EmbeddedDocumentExtractor after CRX update
- 37330 - XSS in SlingRequestProgressTracker
- 37327 - Editor does not respect encoding of file
- 35297 - Restrict repository configuration page to administrative users
- 37218 - Always allow requests whose host name matches the referrer (SLING-2198)
- 35911 - XSS in Felix Console
- 36897 - Arbitrary DTD inclusion in XML parsing
- 37005 - strange search behavior with multi byte keywords
- 37740 - Backport LUCENE-1715 to CRX 2.2
- 33335 - Incomplete ACL upgrade from CQ5.2 > CQ5.3
- 36580 - After OutOfMemory, slave also became master (#2)
- 37742 - Using indexInMemory causes NegativeArraySizeException
- 37818 - after installing CRX Hotfix Pack SVN checkout fails
- 37887 - nodetype registration does not work after installing
- 37988 - Tar PM optimization starts once the master dies
- 38071 - XSS in mixin_browse.jsp in Path property
- 37851 - Wrong path handling with dots
- 35117 - JDBC Support should not require a custom Activator
- 36264 - Manual cluster setup: newline is added to members line in
- 37320 - Unable to create versions
- 38101 - ConcurrentModificationException in InternalVersionManagerImpl
- 35296 - Leak in LDAP connection pool
- 37719 - AJAX Error in Felix while saving configuration
- 37774 - CRX Online Backup doesn't throw error when disk is full
- 38260 - NPE possible in LowDiskSpaceMonitor.handleDiskFull
- 38401 - Save All Button Doesn't Work For Certain Property Type After Installing CRX2.2.0.48
- 38656 - FileNotFound in TarPM (with hotfix after concurrent index merge
- 38864 - CRX hotfixpack Components plugin missing in Felix Console
- 38450 - Tar PM optimization - IOException: "Not in autocommit mode while optimizing"
- 39351 - Datastore GC deletes needed files when a data tar file is missing
- 33488 - Speed up hierarchy cache initialization
- 38092 - Text extraction may congest thread pool in the repository
- 40221 - Error re-opening the tar set No skeleton found with id: crx.default
- 40318 - Performance with the CachingEntryCollector
- 42005 - LDAP user-group membership lost in CRX and regained
- 33662 - Data Store garbage collection fails due to session timeout
- 41867 - DataStore GC with persistence manager scan running concurrently with Tar PM index merge caused problems
- 42357 - Traversal check could fail due to session timeout
Known Issue with current Hot Fix
- CRXDE light is empty when using reverse proxy
Known Issue with old Hot Fix
- Automated online backup using GET does not work.
- Felix Configuration save does not work using some browser some time.
- CRXDE light does not show any nodes if you are accessing CRXDE light using reverse proxy.
- If you are accessing author through Proxy or dispatcher with different domain name, You need to add entry in Referral filter to allow proxy or dispatcher host.
- SVN feature does not work through CRXDE and CRXDE light.
- New Node type registration does not work
- Some time felix console return 404 after installing Hotfix.
2) grep -H "org.apache.felix.webconsole" . -R
3) look for org.apache.felix.webconsole-<some number>.jar
4) Go to that bundle "cd <bundle number>"
5) Check bundle.location file it should contain slinginstall:org.apache.felix.webconsole-<some number>.jar
6) open bundle.state file and change state to "active" from "installed"
7) Restart your system
- You might get following error if you are using maven build to build and install your package and if your package does not contain properties.xml
Solution: Contact Day care to get solution for this.
CRX hotfixpack is now available in the Public section of the Package Share (see Public > Adobe CQ/CRX > CRX 2.2.0 > hotfix).
Applies to
CRX 2.2