SiteCatalyst integration troubleshooting issues

AEM (CQ) can't connect to SiteCatalyst

How do you troubleshoot when you...?

  • See this error in the user interface when connecting AEM (CQ) to SiteCatalyst:
    Connection to SiteCatalyst could not be established.
    Please see a SiteCatalyst administrator for more details.
  • See this error trace in the error.log: Call to SiteCatalyst method 'Connect' failed ["Invalid login specified."]?

1. Check the company, user name, and password

Make sure that you can log in to to ensure that the company, user name, and password are correct.

2. Make sure that the user has the necessary access on the SiteCatalyst side

Make sure that the user is added to the 'Web Services Access' predefined group on the SiteCatalyst side. See the official SiteCatalyst integration documentation for more information here.

3. Ensure that the Data center URLs configured in the Day CQ Analytics SiteCatalyst HTTP Client (Felix Console) is available.

Depending on which data center your account is located in, ensure that the endpoint for the 'Data Center URLs' is defined correctly.

Available SiteCatalyst Data Center URLs:

  • *Sandbox environment*

Follow the steps below to use the SiteCatalyst API Explorer to do a test call.  This tests if the data center is available/responding and which data center to use.

If you know that your user has "Web Service Access' enabled, but don't know your web service credentials:

  1. Go to and log in as administrative user
  2. Click 'User Management'
  3. Select the user you would like to use for Adobe Experience Manager (CQ) to access the SiteCatalyst web service API
  4. Scroll down the page to the box that says 'Web Service Credentials' and copy the credentials from this box to a text editor

Now that you know your credentials you can run a quick test:

  1. Go here to the SiteCatalyst API Explorer to test your web service access
  2. Enter your credentials (see above for how to look them up). The user name is in the format user-name:company and secret is the 'Shared Secret'. 'Shared Secret' is not the same as your password, see above for details.
  3. Make sure 'API' is set to 'Company' and 'Method' is set to 'GetEndPoint'
  4. In the 'Request' text box, enter the following for the request: {"company":"Company Name"}
    Replace 'Company Name' with the company name you use to access SiteCatalyst.
  5. Click 'Get Response'
  6. The 'Response' box returns the URL of the Data Center your account is located in.

Now that you know which Data Center your account is on then:

  1. Log in to your AEM (CQ) instance's Apache Felix Web Console: http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Find 'Day CQ Analytics SiteCatalyst HTTP Client' and click 'Edit'
  3. The default configuration is "".  If that is not your SiteCatalyst Data Center URL, then add yours by clicking '+'.  Then rearrange it so your URL is at the top of the list.

One possible way to check which Data Center URLs to use - You can try to log in via and see where it redirects you to. Such as, (Note the 'sc2' here means another data center 2 - ''). This may not work always (as there are different redirects), so please contact your Sitecatalyst support to get more accurate information on your designated Data Center Url.

4. Ensure that your AEM server can reach the Site Catalyst API servers

If you have followed the step 3 and you still cannot connect to SiteCatalyst from AEM, then you possibly have a network, firewall, or proxy issue.  Test the API connection from the server AEM is installed on:

  • If AEM is installed in Windows, then connect to your server using Microsoft Remote Desktop.  Then from the Remote Desktop session, follow step 3 using the Internet Explorer browser on your server.  If you know that an HTTP proxy configuration is needed, then first configure it in the browser settings.
  • If AEM is installed in Linux or Unix, then run this command on the terminal of your server (change the URL to your Data Center):

    Use this command instead if a proxy is needed (replace <[protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]> with your proxy configuration):
    curl --proxy <[protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]>

    If your server is able to reach the API server, then you see this output:
    {"errors":["404 Not Found"]}
    If not, then you see an error like "Host Unreachable", "Connection Refused", no response, or some other network-related error.

If the API call fails, then communication between the AEM server and the SiteCatalyst API server is blocked. Consult with your Network Administrator to see if you need an HTTP proxy configuration or if the firewall is blocking connections to SiteCatalyst.  Some possible network-related issues could be:

  • A firewall is blocking outbound connections from the AEM server to the SiteCatalyst servers.  See here for a list of IP addresses to allow outbound connections to.
  • (If a proxy is in use) a firewall could be blocking outbound connections from the AEM server to the HTTP proxy.
  • (If a proxy is in use) A firewall or the proxy itself is blocking outbound connections from the HTTP proxy to SiteCatalyst.  See here.
  • A network failure is disrupting connectivity between the servers.

If you are using Windows and the API call succeeded, then you likely have a working HTTP proxy configuration in your browser settings.  Check the browser's proxy settings and follow the steps in the next section to configure it in AEM.

5. Ensure that your Proxy Configuration is Correct

If your Network Administrator advises you to use an HTTP proxy to connect to SiteCatalyst, then follow these steps to do so:

  1. Log in to your AEM (CQ) instance's Apache Felix Web Console: http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Find 'Day Commons HTTP Client' and click 'Edit'
  3. Edit the proxy configuration and save

AEM (CQ) is not Sending Tracking Requests to Site Catalyst

How do you troubleshoot when you have successfully configured AEM to connect to SiteCatalyst, but you do not see any requests being tracked (in Site Catalyst)?

** If you are using SiteCatalyst 15, then be aware that some data may not show up until 60-90 minutes after the tracking request. 

1. Use the Pulse Debugger Tool

The first step in determining why nothing is showing up in SiteCatalyst is to check if AEM is even including the image/tracking request that sends information to SiteCatalyst.

  1. See here for how to download and use the debugger.
  2. Install the debugger to your web browser and navigate to the AEM site URL where you intend the tracking requests to be sent from.  For example,
  3. Open the debugger and validate that requests are being sent and that all the SiteCatalyst variable values are correct.  If everything checks out ok and you still notice that calls are either not showing up or reports are not populated properly then contact analytics support.

If the debugger shows that no calls are being made at all, then go on to the next step.

2. Validate the Site Catalyst Configuration in AEM (CQ)

If no tracking calls are being made from your AEM site:

  • Log in to your Author instance and validate the Cloud Services configuration.  See here.

Make sure you:

  • added the analytics jsp code to your site's templates. See here.
  • linked your site to the Site Catalyst cloud configuration.  See here.

If tracking calls are made from your Author environment, but not the live site, then make sure you:

  • activated the framework configuration from the Author instance.  From the Framework Configuration page, click the Activate Framework button on the Page tab of the Sidekick.  Activating the framework tells the Author instance to push the configuration out to the Publish instances.  See here.
  • configured report suites to work with the "publish" runmode (see here).


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