Last updated on
27 Des 2022
Compare the results of JCR queries between AEM instances.
- Go to CRXDe http://host:port/crx/de/index.jsp in a lower environment and go to Tools => Query to test an XPath query that searches for the content you want to compare.
- Once you have formulated a proper XPath query then use curl to run the query against each of the environments you want to compare the data for.
For example:
curl -u admin:adminPassword 'http://host:port/crx/de/query.jsp?_charset_=utf-8&type=xpath&showResults=true&stmt=/jcr:root/content/we-retail//element(*, cq:Page)' > server1.json
Example query to get all page under geometrixx en (note you may have to use url encoding):
curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/crx/de/query.jsp?_charset_=utf-8&type=xpath&showResults=true&stmt=%2Fjcr%3Aroot%2Fcontent%2Fgeometrixx%2Fen%2F%2Felement(*%2C%20cq%3APage)' > server1.json - Copy the contents of the json output files to the textareas on this page for comparison.
- Paths that exist in actual but not in Expected Paths are displayed in Aqua. Paths that exist in expected but not in Actual Paths are displayed in light red.
- Swap the contents of the text areas by clicking Swap. Clear them by clicking Clear.
- After comparing the data, filter it using the select box.