Display static content | Scene7


How do I display static content with Scene7?


To display an animated GIF, follow these steps:

  1. Upload and run an IS publish.
  2. Once the publish is done, create a URL with the following format: http://<server>.scene7.com/is/content/<company Name>/<asset name>. Make sure that instead of image you include content in the URL.
  3. (Optional) Include URL modifiers based on your requirements

You can find documentation on how to serve static content here: http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/s7/is_ir_api/index.html#is_api-http_ref-Serving_Static_NonImage_Content

The SPS Help also provides a list of static content that it can serve: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/scene7/using/WSb4ebdaf45a3bdad4-ac96fef12219036a10-8000.html#WSd968ca97cf01cf72-5eedd3a113368dc80f5-8000

Upload and call animated GIFs

You can upload and publish animated GIFs to the Image Server just like any other image. However, the method by which you call them differs from other images. Animated GIFs are considered "static content," and they can be called using two different file path structures:

1. Catalog lookup:

Using the catalog lookup doesn't require any special file path or extension. Instead, you take the normal Scene7 Image Serving URL syntax and use the catalog to look up the location of the asset name you provide. This method is the more typical usage of Scene7 URLs.



Notice that after /is/ it says "content," instead of "image." Make sure to replace "" with the subdomain that your company uses to call image content. You can see this subdomain on existing URLs, in the "Copy URLs." It's also in your general application settings (Setup > Application Setup > General Settings > Published Server Name).

2. Absolute path:

This path is the absolute path to the image in your account (where it was originally uploaded, not necessarily its current location):
http://<server>.scene7.com/is/content/<company>/<original path>/<original file>

Use the absolute path of the image if you require the extension to be on the end. An example use case that requires this method is if you want search crawlers, or any other application requiring a filename extension, to recognize the GIF as an image.

You can formulate this URL by clicking the asset in question to enter Detail view. Then, look at these two fields: Original Path and Original File. Path gives you the folder path, and original file gives you the filename/extension. Combine these two fields, and attach it onto the end of this URL structure:


Notice that after /is/ it says "content," instead of "image. Make sure to replace "" with the subdomain that your company uses to call image content. You can see this subdomain on existing URLs, in the "Copy URLs." It's also in your general application settings (Setup > Application Setup > General Settings > Published Server Name).

You can find documentation on how to serve static content here: http://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/s7/is_ir_api/index.html#is_api-http_ref-Serving_Static_NonImage_Content

The SPS help also provides a list of static content that can be served: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/scene7/using/WSb4ebdaf45a3bdad4-ac96fef12219036a10-8000.html#WSd968ca97cf01cf72-5eedd3a113368dc80f5-8000


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