Adobe Analytics | Product Description

Effective as of 14 October 2024

What is Adobe Analytics?

Adobe Analytics provides reporting, visualizations, and analysis of Customer Data that allows Customers to discover actionable insights.

Products and Services License Metric
Adobe Analytics – Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud Primary Server Call and Secondary Server Call
Adobe Analytics - Select Primary Server Call, Secondary Server Call, or both
Adobe Analytics - Prime Primary Server Call, Secondary Server Call, or both
Adobe Analytics - Ultimate Primary Server Call, Secondary Server Call, or both
Adobe Analytics Evolution Primary Server Call, Secondary Server Call, or both
Adobe Analytics - Live Stream Add-on Primary Server Call
Adobe Analytics - Predictive Workbench Add-on Primary Server Call
Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Add-on (Basic) Primary Media Starts, Secondary Media Starts, or both
Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Add-on (Advanced) Primary Media Starts, Secondary Media Starts, or both
Additional Concurrent Report Requests Per Pack
Data Repair API Add-on Data Rows Scanned

Product limitations (if applicable)

1.    Adobe Analytics – Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud 

Analysis Workspace.

  • Reports. Each Report may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Props. This feature is limited to 75 Props per Report Suite. Additionally, each Prop may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • eVars. This feature is limited to 200 eVars per Report Suite. Additionally, each eVar may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Events. This feature is limited to 1000 Events per Report Suite.
  • Processing Rules. This feature is limited to 150 Processing Rules per Report Suite.
  • Calculated Metrics. This feature is limited to basic calculated metrics including format types (decimal, time, percent, currency), allocation changes (default, linear, participation, etc.), metric types (standard and total), and basic operators (add, subtract, multiply, and divide).
  • API Calls. For the Analytics 2.0 API, the enforced rate limit for API calls is 12 requests every 6 seconds (120 per minute total) per user.

Anomaly Detection. This feature is limited to daily granularity.

Concurrent Adobe Analytics Reports Requests. Adobe Analytics supports up to 5 concurrent report requests unless additional reporting capacity is licensed separately. Should Customer run more than 5 concurrent report requests at any time, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation. Customers who consistently run more than 5 concurrent requests may need to license Additional Concurrent Report Requests to lessen performance degradation. Customers who purchase Adobe Analytics Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud may make up to 500,000 total Report Requests per month per IMS Organization (“Total Monthly Report Requests”). Should Customer exceed their Total Monthly Report Request limits, Customer may be obligated to license additional quantity of Total Monthly Report Requests.

Additional Use Restrictions. For purposes of clarity, Adobe Analytics Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud does not include a license to access or use and Customer agrees that it will not access or use Report Builder, Contribution Analysis, Customer Attributes, any Live Stream features (except rules based triggers from Analytics to Campaign), Media Starts, Advertising Analytics, or any additional features, functionality, services, or enhancements available as part of the other Adobe Analytics offerings or add-ons described herein.

Adobe Analytics Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud. This offering is available to select customers with license entitlements to certain Adobe Products and Services. Adobe Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud is limited to 120 million Server Calls per year (“Server Call Quantity”). If Customer exceeds the Server Call Quantity, Adobe reserves the right to migrate Customer to a usage-based version of Adobe Analytics (e.g., Adobe Analytics Select, Prime, or Ultimate) through the remainder of the then-current License Term via a mutually executed Sales Order. If Customer exceeds the Server Call Quantity during any 12-month period and the Parties are unable to agree to a mutually executed Sales Order, Customer’s access to Analytics Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud will terminate upon 30 days notice. “Server Call(s)” means Primary Server Calls plus Secondary Server Calls. “Server Call Quantity” means the annualized Server Call volume for each year of the License Term or any prorated Server Call volume for any partial License Term, whichever is applicable.

The Adobe Analytics Foundation Pack for Experience Cloud offering is designated for end-of-life status. As such, as of January 1, 2024, Adobe is not offering any purchases, upsells, or renewals of this offering.

2.    Adobe Analytics – Select  

Analysis Workspace.

  • Reports. Each Report may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Props. This feature is limited to 75 Props per Report Suite. Additionally, each Prop may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • eVars. This feature is limited to 200 eVars per Report Suite. Additionally, each eVar may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Events. This feature is limited to 1000 Events per Report Suite.
  • Processing Rules. This feature is limited to 150 Processing Rules per Report Suite.
  • API Calls. For the Analytics 2.0 API, the enforced rate limit for API calls is 12 requests every 6 seconds (120 per minute total) per user.

Anomaly Detection. This feature is limited to daily granularity.

Concurrent Adobe Analytics Reports Requests. Adobe Analytics supports up to 5 concurrent report requests unless additional reporting capacity is licensed separately. Should Customer run more than 5 concurrent report requests at any time, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation. Customers who consistently run more than 5 concurrent requests may need to license Additional Concurrent Report Requests to lessen performance degradation. Customers who purchase Adobe Analytics – Select may make up to 500,000 total Report Requests per month per IMS Organization (“Total Monthly Report Requests”). Should Customer exceed their Total Monthly Report Request limits, Customer may be obligated to license additional quantity of Total Monthly Report Requests.

Customer Attributes. This feature is limited to 3 attributes.

Report Builder. This capability is limited to 10 Scheduled Reports run concurrently per login ID and is limited to 5 login IDs.

Additional Use Restrictions. For purposes of clarity, Adobe Analytics - Select does not include a license to access or use and Customer agrees that it will not access or use Contribution Analysis, any Live Stream features (except rules based triggers from Analytics to Campaign), Media Starts, or any additional features, functionality, services, or enhancements available as part of the other Adobe Analytics offerings or add-ons described herein.

3.    Adobe Analytics – Prime  

Analysis Workspace.

  • Reports. Each Report may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Props. This feature is limited to 75 Props per Report Suite. Additionally, each Prop may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • eVars. This feature is limited to 200 eVars per Report Suite. Additionally, each eVar may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Events. This feature is limited to 1,000 Events per Report Suite.
  • Processing Rules. This feature is limited to 150 Processing Rules per Report Suite.
  • API Calls. For the Analytics 2.0 API, the enforced rate limit for API calls is 12 requests every 6 seconds (120 per minute total) per user.

Concurrent Adobe Analytics Reports Requests. Adobe Analytics supports up to 5 concurrent report requests unless additional reporting capacity is licensed separately. Should Customer run more than 5 concurrent report requests at any time, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation. Customers who consistently run more than 5 concurrent requests may need to license Additional Concurrent Report Requests to lessen performance degradation. Customers who purchase Adobe Analytics – Prime may make up to 500,000 total Report Requests per month per IMS Organization (“Total Monthly Report Requests”). Should Customer exceed their Total Monthly Report Request limits, Customer may be obligated to license additional quantity of Total Monthly Report Requests.

Contribution Analysis. This feature is subject to the following limitations: (i) Contribution Analysis within Analysis Workspace is limited to 10 Tokens per month; (ii) Contribution Analysis is limited to analysis of the top 50,000 dimension items per dimension of the available 500,000 unique values or data elements per month; and (iii) Only 1 Contribution Analysis may be run per Report Suite per user at a time.

Customer Attributes. This feature is limited to 15 attributes.

Report Builder. This capability is limited to 10 Scheduled Reports run concurrently per login ID.

Additional Use Restrictions. For purposes of clarity, Adobe Analytics - Prime does not include a license to access or use and Customer agrees that it will not access or use any Live Stream features (except rules based triggers from Analytics to Campaign), Media Starts, or any additional features, functionality, services, or enhancements available as part of the other Adobe Analytics offerings or add-ons described herein.

4.    Adobe Analytics – Ultimate  

Analysis Workspace.

  • Reports. Each Report may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Props. This feature is limited to 75 Props per Report Suite. Additionally, each Prop may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • eVars. This feature is limited to 250 eVars per Report Suite. Additionally, each eVar may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.
  • Events. This feature is limited to 1,000 Events per Report Suite.
  • Processing Rules. This feature is limited to 150 Processing Rules per Report Suite.
  • API Calls. For the Analytics 2.0 API, the enforced rate limit for API calls is 12 requests every 6 seconds (120 per minute total) per user.

Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Entitlement. This feature is limited to 1 million Media Starts per month across all Report Suites (“Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Entitlement”). Should Customer exceed their Streaming Media Entitlement, Customer may be obligated to license additional quantity of Media Starts. For clarity, the Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Entitlement is not additive to Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Add-ons (Basic and Advanced).

Concurrent Adobe Analytics Reports Requests. Adobe Analytics supports up to 5 concurrent report requests unless additional reporting capacity is licensed separately. Should Customer run more than 5 concurrent report requests at any time, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation. Customers who consistently run more than 5 concurrent requests may need to license Additional Concurrent Report Requests to lessen performance degradation. Customers who purchase Adobe Analytics – Ultimate may make up to 500,000 total Report Requests per month per IMS Organization (“Total Monthly Report Requests”). Should Customer exceed their Total Monthly Report Request limits, Customer may be obligated to license additional quantity of Total Monthly Report Requests.

Contribution Analysis. This feature is subject to the following limitations: (i) Contribution Analysis within Analysis Workspace is limited to 20 Tokens per month; (ii) Contribution Analysis is limited to analysis of the top 50,000 dimension items per dimension of the available 500,000 unique values or data elements per month; and (iii) Only 1 Contribution Analysis may be run per Report Suite per user at a time.

Cross-Device Analytics. Effective May 1, 2022, any new implementation of Cross-Device Analytics will be limited to a maximum of three Report Suite IDs (RSIDs) per customer. Upon initial enablement of Cross-Device Analytics, Customer may request a maximum backfill of two months of data.

Customer Attributes. This feature is limited to 200 attributes per Report Suite.

Data Repair API. Customer may use up to 1.2 billion Data Rows Scanned per year. Should Customer need more than 1.2 billion Data Rows Scanned during a 12-month period, Customer will need to license additional quantity.

Report Builder. This capability is limited to 10 Scheduled Reports run concurrently per login ID.

Additional Use Restrictions. For purposes of clarity, Adobe Analytics - Ultimate does not include a license to access or use and Customer agrees that it will not access or use any Live Stream features (except rules based triggers from Analytics to Campaign), or any additional features, functionality, services, or enhancements available as part of the other Adobe Analytics offerings or add-ons described herein.

5.    Adobe Analytics – Evolution Add-on

Adobe Analytics - Evolution Add-on is designated for Customers migrating from Adobe Analytics Foundation, Select, Prime, or Ultimate to Customer Journey Analytics Foundation, Select, Prime, or Ultimate. During the Adobe Analytics - Evolution License Term, Customer is subject to the same entitlements and limits as outlined in the Sales Order for Customer’s immediately preceding core Adobe Analytics entitlement. Adobe Analytics - Evolution Add-on is only available for licensing one time during the migration period from Adobe Analytics to Customer Journey Analytics and cannot be renewed.

6.    Adobe Analytics – Live Stream Add-on  

Adobe Analytics - Live Stream Add-on includes Live Stream triggers, Live Stream dashboards, and Live Stream data features.
  • Live Stream data. This feature is limited to the provisioning of up to a maximum of three endpoints per Report Suite (i.e., only two duplicate endpoints of the original stream of data).

7.    Adobe Analytics – Predictive Workbench Add-on  

Adobe Analytics - Predictive Workbench Add-on includes Live Stream triggers, Live Stream dashboards, and Contribution Analysis features.
  • Contribution Analysis. This feature is subject to the following limitations: (i) Contribution Analysis is limited to analysis of the top 50,000 dimension items per dimension of the available 500,000 unique values or data elements per month; and (ii) Only 1 Contribution Analysis may be run per Report Suite per user at a time.
  • eVars. This feature is limited to a total of 250 eVars per Report Suite. For clarity, the 250 eVars as part of this Add-on is not additive to the base offering eVar entitlement. Additionally, each eVar may contain up to 500,000 unique values or data elements per month.

8.    Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Add-on (Basic)

If Customer exceeds the licensed Media Starts quantity during the License Term, Adobe reserves the right to migrate Customer to a higher volume offering that reflects Customer’s actual usage of Adobe Analytics for Streaming Media Add-on through the remainder of the then-current License Term via a mutually executed Sales Order.


Concurrent Report Requests means the simultaneous Report Requests that users make of the Adobe Analytics reporting engine.

Data Rows Scanned means the total rows of data scanned in a Report Suite for the date range as specified by Customer, not the rows of data repaired by the Data Repair API.

IMS Organization means a framework of policies and technologies for ensuring that the right individuals have access to the right resources at the right times for the right reasons. IMS is used to manage user identities, authentication, authorization, and access control within an organization.

License Metric means the Products and Services Customer licenses in the applicable Sales Order.

Media Start means each single video or audio stream playback as soon as the user clicks the play button (or it auto-plays) and results in the video or audio stream beginning.

Overusage Cycle means the period in which the monthly License Metric as used by Customer is totaled to determine whether the committed Quantity of the monthly License Metric is fully consumed and whether the Overusage Rate will apply. As an example, for illustrative purposes only, if the Overusage Cycle is annual, and the committed monthly Quantity is 10 M, the committed Quantity of the monthly License Metric will be fully consumed when 120 M of the License Metric is fully consumed, and any consumption above 120 M during the remainder of the Overusage Cycle will incur overages and be billed at the Overusage Rate per Unit of Measure.

Overusage Rate means the Overusage Rate as detailed in the Adobe Products and Services Pricing Detail table of the applicable Sales Order. Should Customer’s use of the Product and Services exceed its committed Quantity, Customer will incur overusage fees. These fees are billed at the Overusage Rate per Unit of Measure and monthly in arrears as incurred.

Primary Media Start means each Media Start to the extent Customer tags, allows to be tagged, or causes to be tagged such Media Start.

Primary Server Call means each page view, exit link, download, customer link, or other event on the Customer Site(s) to the extent that Customer tags, allows to be tagged, or causes to be tagged such page views, exit links, downloads, custom links, and other events for purposes of accessing and using Adobe Analytics. Each tagged page view, exit link, campaign container request, download, custom link, or other event will be counted as one Primary Server Call. Each row of data imported from offline sources will be counted as one Primary Server Call.

Report Requests means any data request made from applications including but not limited to: Analysis Workspace, Workspace Scheduled Projects, Report Builder, 1.4 API, 2.0 API, Scheduled Reports, Intelligent Alerts, Segment Sharing, Segment IQ, Reporting Services, Adobe Analytics Dashboards mobile app, Activity Map, Contribution Analysis, Labs, Component Builder, and any new capabilities added that query the Analytics reporting engine.

Report Suite is a repository of Customer Data within the Adobe Analytics platform pertaining to a specific source of traffic that has been identified by Customer.

Secondary Media Start means each duplicate Media Start to the extent Customer enables multi-suite tagging or real-time segmentation of Customer Data using VISTA rules (Visitor Identification, Segmentation, and Transformation Architecture) on such Customer Site(s).

Secondary Server Call means each duplicate page view, exit link, download, custom link, or other event on the Customer Site(s) to the extent that Customer enables multi-suite tagging or real-time segmentation of Customer Data using VISTA rules (Visitor Identification, Segmentation, and Transformation Architecture) on such Customer Site(s). In the event that Customer does not have a Secondary Server Call commitment, any Secondary Server Calls generated by Customer shall be billed at 100% of the Primary Server Call Overusage Rate as detailed in the applicable Sales Order. Such fees are billed monthly in arrears as incurred.

Token means one-time run of Contribution Analysis. Tokens will expire on a monthly basis and will not be carried over from month to month.


As Adobe Analytics continues to develop, Adobe reserves the right to update this Product Description at any time.

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