Basic editing concepts in Photoshop on the web

Learn more about the common editing workflows and start creating just about anything in Photoshop on the web.

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Wujudkan visi kreatif Anda dengan Photoshop yang kini tersedia di browser web Anda, tanpa perlu mengunduh.

Basic editing concepts

With Photoshop available on the web, you can now edit your images in creative ways directly in your browser. Select any of the four topics below to know more about the essential tools and techniques you need to create just about anything in Photoshop.

An image with multiple layers created with Photoshop on the web


You’ll use layers in just about every project in Photoshop online to make changes without damaging your original work.

An image with retouching done on parts with Photoshop online


Easily remove unwanted people, things, or imperfections from your photos like magic with Photoshop on the web.

An image composite created with selections in Photoshop online


Explore different ways to isolate part of an image you want to change by making quick selections in Photoshop on the web.

An image with adjustments applied using Photoshop on the web


Change the look of an entire image (or just one part) with various types of Adjustments available in Photoshop on the web.

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