Manage app settings for Photoshop on the web

Learn how to access app settings online and set our preferences to work with Photoshop on the web.

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How to manage your app settings

You can access the app settings by tapping the profile icon in the upper-right corner of the home screen or the workspace lets you select your app preferences settings as well as account settings. 

When you click the profile icon in the home screen, it will lead you to the app Preferences dialog. Here, you can select the desired Language and also set a Color theme for the app.

  • Language: Check the language options available in the drop-down list and select the one you want to work with.
  • Color theme: Choose a Dark Theme or Light Theme for the app interface. You can also mimic your system settings by selecting Mirror system settings.
  • Sign out: Click to sign out of the app. You've got to sign back in to use the app. 

When you click the profile icon in the workspace while working on your image, the Account dialog opens. Here, you can check these Legal notices:

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