Feature summary | Photoshop on the iPad (August 2022 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the August 2022 release of Photoshop on the iPad (version 3.7)

Find new Learn Tutorials in-app

Browse through our new Learn tutorials - Adjustment layers and Retouch images - to figure out how to sail through your creative projects. 

Follow the cool and simple steps in the Adjustment layers tutorial and you'll know how to change object colors using adjustment layers. You can also explore further by trying the other Adjustment layer types. 

Go through the Retouch images tutorial to learn how to remove blemishes and imperfections from your photos, hide an object, or copy an element using the Spot Healing Brush tool, Healing Brush tool, and Clone Stamp tool.

Find new Learn Tutorials in-app

To browse through other Learn tutorials, see Get to know the workspace.

Invite to edit from the home screen

Invite people to view or edit your cloud documents or share feedback from the home screen of your application, without needing to navigate to the workspace. 

Invite to edit cloud documents from the home screen

To learn more about making edits and commenting in-app, see Share files and comment in-app.

Fixed customer-reported issues

This month's update brings enhancements and fixes for some customer-reported issues. To learn more, see Fixed issues in Photoshop on the iPad.

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Tanya Komunitas

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan untuk diajukan atau ide untuk dibagikan, kunjungi dan ikut serta dalam komunitas Adobe Photoshop. Kami senang mendengar pendapat Anda!

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