Feature summary | Photoshop on the iPad (January 2023 release)

Learn about the new feature and other enhancements in the January 2023 release of Photoshop on the iPad (version 4.3)

Bulk delete from the Files tab

Delete more than one file from the Files tab of your app.  

Navigate to the Files tab > Your files. Use the checkbox to select ( ) one or more files and hit Delete

Select to delete more than one file from the Files tab of Photoshop on the iPad
Select to delete more than one file from the Files tab of Photoshop on the iPad

To learn more about the home screen in Photoshop on the iPad, see Get to know the workspace.

Fixed customer-reported issues

This month's update brings enhancements and fixes for some customer-reported issues. To learn more, see Fixed issues in Photoshop on the iPad.

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Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan untuk diajukan atau ide untuk dibagikan, kunjungi dan ikut serta dalam komunitas Adobe Photoshop. Kami senang mendengar pendapat Anda!

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