Learn about the new feature and other enhancements in the October 2023 release of Photoshop on the iPad (versions 5.1 and 5.2)
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Coba fitur dan penyempurnaan terbaru di aplikasi Photoshop di iPad untuk ketersediaan umum.
Introduced in Photoshop on the iPad 5.1 (October 2023 release)
Adjust colors, tones, effects, and other aspects of your photos by adding Adobe Camera Raw filters to a pixel layer.
Select the layer and then tap Filters and Adjustments to navigate to Camera Raw Filter. Make adjustments to Light, Color, Effects, Detail, and Optics.
With Adobe Camera Raw filters, you can easily create stunning photos that you'll be proud to share with friends and family.
To learn more, check out Work with Adobe Camera Raw filters in Photoshop on the iPad.
Introduced in Photoshop on the iPad 5.2 (October 2023 release)
Easily remove objects, people, or distractions from your image on the iPad by brushing over them using the Remove tool.
The Remove tool ( ) is found within the Clone tools. Use the Size field to choose a brush size slightly larger than the area you want to fix to cover the entire area with one stroke.
Just underneath the canvas, you’ll find the Remove after each stroke toggle button. When left on, the tool switches to the single-stroke mode. Turn it off to brush your selections with multiple strokes to be committed at once at the end. Use this option for large, complicated, or disconnected areas that are difficult to brush in one stroke.
To learn more about retouching composites and fixing imperfections in them, check out: