Bulletin ID
Security updates available for Adobe Campaign Classic | APSB20-34
Date Published |
Priority |
APSB20-34 |
June 16, 2020 |
3 |
Adobe has released a security update for Adobe Campaign Classic. This update addresses an important vulnerability that could result in Information Disclosure.
Affected versions
Product |
Affected version |
Platform |
Adobe Campaign Classic |
20.1 and earlier version |
Windows and Linux |
Adobe categorizes these updates with the following priority rating and recommends users update their installation to the newest version:
Product |
Updated version |
Platform |
Priority rating |
Availability |
Adobe Campaign Classic |
20.2 |
Windows and Linux |
3 |
Vulnerability Details
Vulnerability Category |
Vulnerability Impact |
Severity |
CVE Number |
Out-of-bounds read |
Information Disclosure |
Important |
CVE-2020-9666 |
Adobe would like to thank Nicolas Devillers from Lexfo for reporting this issue (CVE-2020-9666) and for working with Adobe to help protect our customers.