Adobe Sign for SharePoint (On-Premises): Troubleshooting with Logs

Configure the Logging

To configure SharePoint to log events:
  • Log into the SharePoint server as an Administrator
  • Run ULSViewer 
  • Click on the Play button as highlighted below

  • Specify the path where you want to store the logs
  • Click OK

Evaluate the Logs

When evaluating logs for errors and events:
  • Log into the SharePoint server as an Administrator
  • Run the ULSViewer to access the logs
  • Click on filter button as highlighted below

When the filter window opens, select:
  • Field column: Product
  • Operation column: Equals
  • Value column: Adobe Sign

Once the filter is correct, click OK

Optionally you can set additional filters if you know the specific values you need

(Like filtering the Category field to equal the value Info)

You can also filter on a specific value, like the Correlation ID that appears on SharePoint errors.


Private/Incognito browser sessions are not supported by the Adobe Sign package.

Admins should not rely on these types of sessions to troubleshoot.

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