Swap or change your Adobe email address

Change your Adobe email address to a new or a previously used email address.

If you try to change your Adobe email address to an email address that you previously used or one that is currently in use, the error message "your account changes couldn’t be saved" might be displayed. Follow the steps below to learn how you can swap email addresses between two Adobe accounts. 

Change to an email address that you have not previously used

Learn how to change to an email address that you have not previously used.

If you don't have another email address available, you can change your current email address to a previously used email address, as described in the next section. 

Change to a previously used email address

Let's assume that you want to change your Adobe ID email address from current_email@example.com to previous_email@example.com.

To make this change, first free up the email address previous_email@example.com. That is, ensure that this email address is no longer associated with an Adobe ID. To learn how to do this, proceed as follows:

4 Steps to Sign in

  1. Sign in with the email address that you want to change to (not with your current email address). In this case, sign in with previous_email@example.com.

  2. Change this email address to another email address you own. For example, you can change it to other_email@example.com. (See detailed instructions.)

    You have now freed up the email id previous_email@example.com as it is no longer associated with an Adobe ID. Next, replace current_email@example.com with previous_email@example.com as described in the following steps.

  3. Sign in with the email address current_email@example.com.

  4. Change the email address to previous_email@example.com.

The email address associated with your Adobe ID account gets changed from current_email@example.com to previous_email@example.com

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