Migration issues when using Team Projects


When Team Projects users belonging to several organizations were migrated by Adobe, some users reported having lost their projects. This is because some projects were not properly migrated.


Use the Team Projects Manager to easily browse all your Team Projects and migrate them between organizations to which you have access.

How to access the Team Projects Manager

  1. Request a package for the panel from your Adobe representative.
  2. Copy the build anywhere on disk.
  3. Launch the latest Beta version of Premiere Pro.
  4. Enable the feature based on the key shared with you by the Adobe representative.
  5. In the Debug Console, set dvauxphost.DebugUXPDir to the location of your build folder on disk.
  6. Confirm that dvauxphost.UseDebugUXPDir is set to true.
  7. Close and re-launch PremierePro.
  8. Navigate to Edit > Team Project > Migrate Team Projects.

Migrating Team Projects

  1. In the Team Project Manager, select the Team Projects that you want to migrate.

    Selecting projects in the Team Projects Manager
    Selecting projects in the Team Projects Manager

  2. After selecting your projects, click Migrate selected projects on the right.

  3. In the Migrate Project dialog box that opens, select the account you want to migrate the project to. Click Migrate.

    Select the destination account from the drop-down list
    Select the destination account from the drop-down list

    You will get a Migration Succeeded notification after the project is migrated.

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