Compliance Dashboard

See your team’s compliance and which team member is bordering on non-compliance. Choose the Learning Objects and see the status of each.

View compliance dashboard

Skills Status

See the percentage of learners for each skill. Choose at most five skills for which you want to see the skills for learners. The visualization is in the form of a stacked bar chart. When you mouse over each bar, you can see the break-up of the status for that skill.

View status of skills of a learner

Skils Tracker

See a projection of skill completion across a team. Choose the target completion percentage and date of a skill.

Based on historical data, you can see a graphical representation of the skill completion projection on the selected date.

View skill completion projection

Creating reports

  1. Click Reports on the left pane. Report summary page appears.
    By default, at least three sample reports appear in the report summary page. You can only view these sample reports to get an idea as to how you could create and customize them.

  2. On the Report summary page, click Add. Report creation dialog appears.

  3. Click Save to complete creating a report. A sample report is shown below for reference.

Add Report dialog

In Report Type, you can choose a pre-defined set of reports or choose custom. You can view the following reports as part of pre-defined set of reports:

  • Skills assigned and achieved
  • Course enrolled and completed
  • Effectiveness for courses
  • Learning programs enrolled and completed
  • Learning time spent per course
  • Learning time spent per quarter

You can use the above mentioned report types to generate reports of 300+ variations.

Report Name Type a title for your report.

Primary Y-axis Choose the first/primary criteria for your report from the drop-down options. For some of the selected criteria, you have an option to choose one or multiple states from the adjacent States drop-down box. For example, for a course enrollment statistics primary criterion, the states can be completed, incomplete, enrolled, and so on. Primary range data is represented in the form of bar graphs in the report.

Secondary Y-axis Choose the secondary Y-axis criteria/range for your report from the drop-down options. For example, in learning program enrollment option, choose one or multiple states from the adjacent States drop-down. Secondary range data is represented in the form of line graphs.

X-axis Choose the appropriate x-axis criteria for your report from the drop-down options. If x-axis is chosen as date, then an option to group your x-axis criterion by day, month, quarter, and year is available.

Date Choose the appropriate option from the drop-down. Options: last one month, quarter, year, QTD (last 90 days), YTD (last 365 days), and the date range. If you choose date range, provide From and To date as follows:

From Choose the starting date from which you would like to see the report.

To Choose the end date for your report.