Bulletin ID
Security updates available for Adobe Photoshop | APSB21-109
Date Published |
Priority |
APSB21-109 |
October 26, 2021 |
3 |
Affected Versions
Product |
Affected version |
Platform |
Photoshop 2021 |
22.5.1 and earlier versions |
Windows and macOS |
Adobe categorizes these updates with the following priority ratings and recommends users update their installation to the newest version via the Creative Cloud desktop app’s update mechanism. For more information, please reference this help page.
Product |
Updated versions |
Platform |
Priority |
Photoshop 2021 |
22.5.2 |
Windows and macOS |
3 |
Photoshop 2022 |
23.0 |
Windows and macOS |
3 |
For managed environments, IT administrators can use the Admin Console to deploy Creative Cloud applications to end users. Refer to this help page for more information.
Vulnerability details
Vulnerability Category |
Vulnerability Impact |
Severity |
CVSS base score |
CVE Number |
Out-of-bounds Read (CWE-125) |
Privilege escalation |
Moderate |
3.3 |
CVE-2021-42734 |
Access of Memory Location After End of Buffer (CWE-788) |
Arbitrary code execution |
Critical |
7.8 |
CVE-2021-42735 |
Buffer Overflow (CWE-120) |
Arbitrary code execution |
Critical |
7.8 |
CVE-2021-42736 |
Adobe would like to thank the following researcher for reporting this issue and for working with Adobe to help protect our customers:
(yjdfy) CQY of Topsec Alpha Team CVE-2021-42735
(cff_123) CFF of Topsec Alpha Team- CVE-2021-42736
Mat Powell of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative (CVE-2021-42734)
For more information, visit https://helpx.adobe.com/security.html, or email PSIRT@adobe.com.