After you double-click "run_windows_installer.bat", the installer will fail to initialize with the error "Could not create the virtual machine" as per screenshot below:
You can fix this issue following one of the methods below:
1. Add an environment variable to increase the maximum memory allocated to the Java Virtual Machine:
- Open the Control Panel
- Go to System
- Go to Advanced Systems Properties
- Click on Environment Variables
- In System Variables, click Add
- New Variable Name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
- New Variable Value: -Xmx512M
- Close the Windows
- Execute "run_windows_installer.bat" again
2. Add the required parameter in the install launcher:
- Open the "run_windows_installer.bat" with a text editor
- Modify the script as per below:
@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx512M
if not "%1" == "" goto ARG_MSG
set Installer=.\6.1\Disk1\InstData\Windows\VM\install.exe
start "" "%Installer%"
goto END
echo Arguments are not supported, navigate to "%Installer%" to use them directly with the executable
goto END
- Save and close the file
- Execute "run_windows_installer.bat" again