Understand how harnessing Acrobat’s powerful document editing features plays a vital role in the workplace.

Four documents with various markup icons

Acrobat empowers users to create and edit PDF documents in a collaborative environment, on the go, or in a studio. Taking advantage of the Document Cloud brings all of the tools together to help you manage the entire process from one place. Professionals are no longer tied to an office desk — neither should your document editing software. Acrobat enables a seamless edit and design process where you’re able to send and track proofs through the Document Cloud, centralizing the editing and review process with one program.

Hand digitally signing an electronic signature on a mobile phone

Editing on the go

Felipe works for a professional design studio with eight other designers. The team works remotely and has a demanding workload with tight turnarounds. Felipe’s current project deadline is Monday, so he sent a link of the design proof to the client the Friday before the deadline. Felipe’s client was able to view and comment using Acrobat’s Comment and Markup features to let Felipe know of a few important changes, such as swapping out the main photo with the photo they attached as a comment, changing the font, and revising some of the copy.

Felipe was notified via email moments after the client commented, was able to clearly understand the change requests, and was able to quickly edit the PDF directly from his tablet. He inserted a signature block into the revised PDF proof and was able to get approval from the client before the end of the day Friday, ensuring that the final artwork would make the Monday deadline.

Key editing tools for success

  • Comment
  • Markup
  • File attachment
  • Replace image
  • Instant email notification
  • Prepare Form for signature

Leveraging the Edit and Comment tools within a single platform allows individuals and agencies to receive clear instruction smoothly, enabling faster turnarounds and higher-quality deliverables. Understanding how each tool works together to accomplish this goal unlocks the power of Acrobat to increase productivity at scale.

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