Quickly add transition effects to multiple clips in a sequence.

הפריטים הדרושים

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What you learned: Use clip selection and keyboard shortcuts to quickly add transition effects

Set the default transition duration

  1. Choose Preferences > Timeline (Mac OS) or Edit > Preferences > Timeline (Windows).
  2. Set a default video and audio transition duration in seconds or frames.
  3. Click OK.

Set default transition effects

  • Right-click on a transition effect in the Effects panel and choose Set Selected as Default Transition.
  • Choose default transition effects for both video and audio clips.

Choose an edit

Position the Timeline playhead on, or near, an edit between two clips in the sequence.

Use a keyboard shortcut to apply the default transition effect

  • Press Shift+D to apply the default transition effect to both video and audio clips.
  • Press Command+D (macOS) or Ctrl+D (Windows) to add the default transition effect to video clips only.
  • Press Shift+Command+D (macOS) or Shift+Ctrl+D (Windows) to add the default transition effect to audio clips only.

Apply transition effects to multiple clips

Select multiple clips before using a keyboard shortcut to apply the default transition effect to the edits between every selected clip, including the beginning and end of the sequence.

Apply transition effects to multiple selected edits

Press Command (macOS) or Ctrl (Windows) and drag to select (marquee select) multiple edits, then use a keyboard shortcut to apply the default transition effect.

Tip: Transition effects reveal handles (media that extends beyond the edit) to create the overlap required for the effect. Always review transitions after applying them to check the media that has been revealed.


Back to: Three-point edits


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