Create a memorable editorial image by combining multiple images with color, motion, and masking effects.

Find images that help tell your story

Search for elements that you’d like to include in your composite to create a unique editorial image.

Adobe Stock website custom curated library of coral, shrimp, female rodeo rider, city street brownstones and woman holding brown bag.

Add new elements to your composition

Drag images into your design and use Select Subject to quickly create a Layer Mask before positioning them into place.

Photoshop file artboard with images cutout and the Library panel open with curated library of coral, shrimp, female rodeo rider, city street brownstones and woman holding brown bag.

Create a surreal image by combining images

Position elements together in order to create an altered reality, then create a Smart Object for further editing.

Photoshop artboard with composited image of female rider, shrimp holding bag in city street scene with the Layers panel visible.

Add your branding

Create a variation of your logo in Illustrator, then import it into your composition using Opacity and the Liquify filter.

Close-up of brand logo being placed on brown bag with overlapping shrimp tail.

Add a color gradient over the background

Call attention to your subject by adding a complimentary gradient over the background using a Linear Light blend mode.

Photoshop file of the composite image with blue gradient layer highlighted in the Layers panel.

Colorize the main subject

Clip a Curves Adjustment Layer to the subject, then Alt + Click the Auto button to set the Highlight and Shadow colors.

Then use a soft brush to paint with black on the Adjustment Layer mask to make part of the image more vibrant.

Photoshop file of the composite image with the Curves panel open with the Auto Color Correction Option box.

Add a motion blur to enhance the effect

Add a horizontal Motion Blur to the subject, then hide a portion of the effect by adding a gradient to the Smart Filters mask.

Close up of the surreal composite image of the female rider and shrimp, with the Curves panel visible and the Auto Color Correction Option box.

Apply the composite to your web page

Click the photo button in Spark Page to add your new composite to the title area of your online article.

Adobe Spark Page with Creative Cloud side panel open showing the composite image.

The final result

Now you have an original branded image that tells your story in a new and visual way.

Web page of blog article with surreal composite hero image of female rodeo rider on back of over-sized shrimp, carrying a paper delivery bag on underwater colored city street.

Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.

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