Draw rectangular and polar grids

Learn how to create precise layouts with rectangular grids and stunning circular designs with polar grids.

The grid tools help you draw rectangular and polar grids with ease. Use the Rectangular Grid tool to create rectangular grids of a specified size with a specified number of dividers. Use the Polar Grid tool to create concentric circles of a specified size and a specified number of dividers.

Draw grids


Select the Rectangular Grid tool and drag on the canvas to draw a rectangular grid.

Select the Polar Grid tool and drag on the canvas to draw a polar grid.

Draw grids using advanced options

Draw rectangular grid

  1. Select the Rectangular Grid  tool.

  2. Click on the canvas to set the grid’s reference point. In the Rectangular Grid Tool Options dialog box, select a square on the reference point locator  to determine the direction in which the grid is drawn. Then, set the following options:

    • Default Size: Specify the width and height of the entire grid.
    • Horizontal Dividers: Specify the number of horizontal dividers you want to appear between the top and bottom of the grid. The Skew value determines how the horizontal dividers are weighted toward the top or bottom of the grid.
    • Vertical Dividers: Specify the number of dividers you want to appear between the left and right sides of the grid. The Skew value determines how the vertical dividers are weighted to the left or right side.
    • Use Outside Rectangle As Frame: Replace the top, bottom, left, and right segments with a separate rectangular object.
    • Fill Grid: Fill the grid with the current fill color.
    Rectangular Grid Tool Options dialog with options to specify settings  for Default Size, Horizontal Dividers, and Vertical Dividers.
    Use the Rectangular Grid Tool Options dialog to create rectangular grids.

Draw circular (polar) grids

  1. Select the Polar Grid  tool.

  2. Click on the canvas to set the grid’s reference point. In the Polar Grid Tool Options dialog box, select a square on the reference point locator  to determine the direction in which the grid is drawn. Then, set the following options:

    • Default Size: Specify the width and height of the entire grid.
    • Concentric Dividers: Specify the number of circular concentric dividers you want to appear in the grid. The Skew value determines how the concentric dividers are weighted toward the inside or outside of the grid.
    • Radial Dividers: Specify the number of radial dividers you want to appear between the center and the circumference of the grid. The Skew value determines how the radial dividers are weighted counterclockwise or clockwise on the grid.
    • Create Compound Path From Ellipses: Convert the concentric circles into separate compound paths and fill every other circle.
    • Fill Grid: Fill the grid with the current fill color.
    polar Grid Tool Options dialog with options to specify settings for Default Size, Concentric Dividers, and Radial Dividers.
    Use the Polar Grid Tool Options dialog to create polar grids.

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