Keyboard shortcuts for Illustrator on the iPad

Learn various keyboard shortcuts to improve your productivity while working on Illustrator on iPad.

Connecting a keyboard with the iPad can improve your productivity as you can use keyboard shortcuts to get your work done quickly without the need to navigate through the UI. These shortcuts also come handy if you frequently need to switch between Illustrator on desktop and iPad.

Keyboard shortcuts

Do one of the following to view the keyboard shortcuts map for Illustrator on your iPad:

  • From the Home screen, go to App settings > Help > Keyboard shortcuts.
  • From the workspace, go to Help () > View keyboard shortcuts.

List of keyboard shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C 
Paste Command + V
Paste in front
Command + F
Paste in back
Command + B
Delete Delete
Undo  Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Pen P
Pencil N
Rectangle M
Ellipse L
Line \
Text (horizontal) T
Selection V
Direct selection A
Default style D
Artboard Shift + O
Blob brush Shift + B
Shape builder Shift + M
Eraser Shift + E
Select all objects or text (inside text runs) Command + A
Deselect Command + Shift + A
Select on active artboard  Command + Opt + A
Group Command  + G
Ungroup Command + Shift + G
Lock Command + 2
Unlock all Command  + Opt + 2
Hide Command + 3
Show all Command  + Opt + 3
Duplicate  Opt + click + drag 
Bring to front Shift + Command + }
Bring forward Command + } 
Send to back Shift + Command + { 
Send backward Command + { 
Outline text (with text selected) Command + Shift + O
Nudge object or change value in input field Arrow up/down
Nudge object Arrow left/right
Nudge object by 10x or change input field value by 10x Shift + arrow up/down
Nudge object by 10x Shift + arrow left/right
Swap fill and stroke colors Shift + X
Move in 45-degree constraints Shift + drag
End current path and start new Esc
Break handle pairing Opt + draw smooth point
Snap handles to 45-degree increments Shift + draw smooth point
Move current anchor point Space + draw smooth point
Control handle lengths independently Command + draw smooth point
Control handles independently Opt + close path with handle drag
Reposition anchor point Space + close path 
Draw at 45-degree increments Shift + draw with blob brush
Switch to smooth tool Opt + draw with blob brush
Draw unconstrained from center Opt + shape tool/area text tool
Draw constrained from center Opt + Shift + shape tool/area text tool
Resize unconstrained from center  Opt + resize area text
Lock proportions Shift + scale artboard
Text size up Shift + Command + .
Text size down Shift + Command + ,
Increase or decrease kerning Opt + left/right arrow + edit text
Increase or decrease kerning Command + Shift + [/]
Increase or decrease tracking Opt + left/right arrow + text object
Increase or decrease leading Opt + up/down arrow
Hide or show Smart Guides Command + U
Hide or show grids Command + ’
Hide or show guides Command + ;
Lock or unlock guides Command + Opt + ;
Create blend object from selection Command + Opt + B
Release blend objects Command + Opt + Shift + B
Hide or show Smart Guides Command + U
Hide or show grids Command + ’
Hide or show guides Command + ;
Lock or unlock guides Command + Opt + ;
Make clipping mask Command + 7
Release clipping mask Command + Opt + 7
Make compound path Command + 8
Release compound path Command + Opt + 8
Join end points; repeat closes all points on selected paths Command + J
App settings Command + K
Units in app settings Command + ,
Open file settings Command + Opt + P
Hide app Command + H
Fit artboard to screen Command + 0
Actual size Command + 1
Outline view Command + Y
Zoom in Command + +
Zoom out Command + -
Switch between current and selection tool
Create new layer
Command + L
Create new
Command  + N
Remove fill or stroke color

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